June, 2016
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I am a new user for this launcher and couldn’t find how to put “unread count” on icons I want such as messaging…
I am a new user for this launcher and couldn’t find how to put “unread count” on icons I want such as messaging Gmail e-mail and phone app. Help pls 😞
I would like to share my script for users of Torque https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.prowl.torque
This script allows reading any PIDs from Torque service, for latter use in bindings.
Set it to be run on desktop load.
It will set the following variables:
tq_live – boolean – whether we are connected to Torque service
tq_ecu – boolean – whether Torque is connected to Engine ECU
tq_version – integer – the version of Torque
tq_xxx – float – the value of pid, where xxx is a name of pid as configured at the top of script, you may configure multiple PIDs; see below
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var refreshInterval = 200;
var pids = [
{pid: 0xff1001, name: “gps_speed”},
{pid: 0xff123A, name: “gps_locked”},
{pid: 0x0c, name: “rpm”},
{pid: 0x42, name: “voltage”}
var binder = null;
var timer = null;
function callSvc(code, fp, fr, def) {
if (binder == null) return def;
var p = Parcel.obtain();
var r = Parcel.obtain();
try {
if (fp != null) fp(p);
binder.transact(code, p, r, 0);
return r.readExceptionCode() == 0 && (fr != null) ? fr(r) : def;
catch (err) {
return def;
finally {
// int getVersion()
function getVersion() { return callSvc(
function(r) { return r.readInt(); },
); }
// float getValueForPid(long pid, boolean triggersDataRefresh);
function getValueForPid(pid, refresh) { return callSvc(
function(p) { p.writeLong(pid); p.writeByte(refresh ? 1 : 0); },
function(r) { return r.readFloat(); },
); }
// boolean isConnectedToECU();
function isConnectedToECU() { return callSvc(
function(r) { return r.readByte() != 0; },
); }
function reset() {
var v = LL.getVariables().edit();
v.setBoolean(“tq_live”, false);
v.setBoolean(“tq_ecu”, false);
v.setInteger(“tq_version”, 0);
for(var i = 0; i < pids.length; i++)
v.setFloat(“tq_” + pids[i].name, 0);
function refresh() {
if (binder == null) return;
var v = LL.getVariables().edit();
v.setBoolean(“tq_ecu”, isConnectedToECU());
for(var i = 0; i < pids.length; i++)
v.setFloat(“tq_” + pids[i].name, getValueForPid(pids[i].pid, true));
timer = setTimeout(refresh, refreshInterval);
var conn = new ServiceConnection({
onServiceConnected: function (n, b) {
binder = b;
var v = LL.getVariables().edit();
v.setBoolean(“tq_live”, true);
v.setInteger(“tq_version”, getVersion());
onServiceDisconnected: function(n) {
binder = null;
var intent = new Intent();
intent.setClassName(“org.prowl.torque”, “org.prowl.torque.remote.TorqueService”);
var success = LL.getContext().bindService(intent, conn, 1);
— cut —
Hi LLX users
Hi LLX users,
I would like to configure a script to associate with the home button.
This script should toggle between the default action “Go to home desktop, then zoom 100p” and, if I’m already on the home desktop, it should start google now instead.
I already figured out the code to start google now, but I don’t know how to detect whether I’m on the home desktop or whether an application is opened.
I checked the PropertySet, but couldn’t find any property that could help me.
I also tried to read the result of the Container.getView() method, but couldn’t find any doc about it.
Any help/hint/suggestion would be appreciated!
This is may be obvious to you guys but I’m stuck.
This is may be obvious to you guys but I’m stuck.
How can you switch from one view/page/tab to another in LL using Tasker?
Let’s if Drive Mode is ON, I want Tasker to show me the View/Page/Tab #3? Is it possible?
Is it possible to allow widgets to placed on the app drawer window?
I have an advanced question about scripting.
Is it possible at all to communicate with a 3rd party remote service from a script? You know, Context.bindService() and all those things. Provided I have that service’s AIDL file.
I understand that AIDL is for generation of stub and proxy for “real” Java code. But maybe it can be done from JavaScript using bare Binder/Parcel classes?
I’m not as experienced developer to figure it out myself, sadly 🙁
What’s on my mind – is to communicate to famous Torque application, which provides API for plugins:
What I would like to call on this service is:
float getValueForPid(long pid, boolean triggersDataRefresh);
Thanks in advance for any clue 🙂
Hello LLX Users. Hoping you can help me solve a problem that has appeared in my newest design.
Hello LLX Users. Hoping you can help me solve a problem that has appeared in my newest design.
The Auto Close option under Desktop/Extra Folder Options seems to have stopped working. The folder closes when I open another folder, but not when I launch an app from the folder. Both Auto Close and Close Other Folders are checked.
The odd thing is that this glitch only happens in my latest desktop design, my first since a Marshmallow update a few weeks ago. In earlier desktops, all created under Lollipop, the function is still working.
What have I missed? Thanks in advance.
Phone: OnePlus One
OS: Android 6.0.1 (Cyanogen 13.0)
It would be cool if we had some kind of library system for scripts: These script libraries should be run once when…
This would simplify a lot of scripts, as a lot of code needs to be duplicated in separate scripts atm.
On top of that it would be great if scripts had a way to specify which libraries it uses, so it doesn’t crash if they are missing.