January, 2014

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Metro theme.

Metro theme.

Colour coded, some large buttons to add to visual memory in addition to colour.

Basic, no slides, panels etc.

Zooper widgets.

Icons: Stamped white

Agenda: Next meeting only, here also “basic layout” to add visual impact.


I just found this.

I just found this.


MotoV work in progress.

MotoV work in progress.

Custom icons, wallpaper, dock all from old radios (Zenith actually). Found the vintage Motorola emblem on the web


Would be possible to choose which items close the folder when they are launched?

Would be possible to choose which items close the folder when they are launched?

Maybe some easier: how about disallow widgets to close folders (when you have the ‘close when an item is launched’ checked I mean)

I have a folder with games, so when I click one the folder, it close. But I also have a widget to toggle media sound…I need to reopen the folder every time I click it. (No, I can’t place the widget outside the folder. It’s almost full screen)


I like the new animation when positioning an item but it makes it quite difficult to quickly and accurately move…

I like the new animation when positioning an item but it makes it quite difficult to quickly and accurately move items around. Yes you can do the geometry setting and move it that way which is more accurate but just food for thought.

I had the most issue with stop points honestly because there is no geometry settings for it.


Can’t find free mode selection in settings now. Where did it go?

Can’t find free mode selection in settings now. Where did it go?


How do I edit the app drawer? There used to be a link for it in the LL settings but I don’t see it anymore.

How do I edit the app drawer? There used to be a link for it in the LL settings but I don’t see it anymore.


Bonjour à tous, voilà j ai un petit soucis.

Bonjour à tous, voilà j ai un petit soucis. Je ne peut pas épingler un widget dans un panel en mode vertical en horizontal ça marche par contre . Et autre chose dans la dernière bêta d aujourd’hui pour placer un panel en mode libre c’est beaucoup moins facile on ne peut plus le placer au millimètre près. On pourrai dire qu’il rebondit le widget lors du déplacement



Originally shared by gerd reuter (werksmannschaft)


Ligthning Launcher eXtreme

Zooper Widget pro

Media Utilities

Simple Rss Widget


Tiny White Icons


Video:  darkVision


Unlocking triggers a crash report after latest update for some reason. Sent crash log already.

Unlocking triggers a crash report after latest update for some reason. Sent crash log already.
