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I am having issues with floating desktop.

I am having issues with floating desktop. I added a panel in floating desktop, which appears on right edge to left side swipe gestures.

But sometimes this floating gesture stops working. I have to go into lightning menu and re-enable the gestures.

I tired always show ‘Display Handles’ option, but when it stops working then even the coloured handles disappears.

OS: MiUi10.1 , Android 6.0.1, Phone: Redmi Note 3.


Seems lockscreen stopping .

Seems lockscreen stopping .

Could it be similar as for floating desktop ?

On Oreo

Question : could it be possible to not allow to display notif bar on Llx lockscreen ?


LL crashes when click on Edit button in ScriptEditor. Tried to edit script with external editor.

LL crashes when click on Edit button in ScriptEditor. Tried to edit script with external editor.


android.os.FileUriExposedException: file:///storage/emulated/0/LightningLauncher/tmp/script.js exposed beyond app through Intent.getData()

Samsung Galaxy S7 with Oreo 8.0.0

LLX 14.2, 14.2.1 and 14.3beta


Just earlier today, i was able to crash lightning launcherby trying to place a simple shortcut (thankfully it only…

Just earlier today, i was able to crash lightning launcherby trying to place a simple shortcut (thankfully it only happened when trying to place THAT ONE). Received the update and tried again. This time it allowed me to send a bug report. I decided to cancel because… Well it was nothing new. But upon cancellation, it decided i wanted to open my Amazon app to the last thing i looked at before i closed the app. I couldn’t believe it.


I am having an issue with app icons not showing up in the app drawer after installation.

I am having an issue with app icons not showing up in the app drawer after installation. Could someone be kind enough to advise please? I am using a Samsung S9 with the latest as android build. Thank you!




All, I just got a Huawei running EMUI9 on pie (mate 20 pro). Everything was working fine UNTIL I touched the items under

System bars > Navigation bars

Now my Nav bar is about twice as high as it was before… The weirdest thing is I can force stop the program, clear the cache, uninstall the program, reinstall and still the nav bar is the same! Resetting LL also doesn’t help… If I go into the menus or to any other program, the nav bar returns to it’s original height, it’s only in LL on the desktop and app drawer tyhat it happens. Even in LL menu it is the correct height. I see from screenshots from some others that I don’t think it’s just me. Any help greatly appreciated!


Ffloating desktop on Oreo 8.1 API 27 issue – permission to draw over other apps is granted.

Ffloating desktop on Oreo 8.1 API 27 issue – permission to draw over other apps is granted. But FL can’t even display handles overlays … Launching the floating desktop via LL’s action shortcut craches LL. How to get beta to test floating desktop early?


Is the All Apps button buggy, by chance.

Is the All Apps button buggy, by chance. I often find myself clicking it at least 4x before it’ll open. And when it does open, it thinks i clicked on an app. That’s impossible. the Damn app drawer wasn’t even open.


I’m not able to see any icons present in an icon pack when I try to set individually.

I’m not able to see any icons present in an icon pack when I try to set individually. Is there any solution for this issue?


Before Oreo I could make the navbar whatever color and change the transparency.

Before Oreo I could make the navbar whatever color and change the transparency. After it changed to the default black bar and won’t change no matter what I do in the settings. Did oreo remove this ability or is there a bug in Lightning Launcher?
