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LL crashes when click on Edit button in ScriptEditor. Tried to edit script with external editor.

LL crashes when click on Edit button in ScriptEditor. Tried to edit script with external editor.


android.os.FileUriExposedException: file:///storage/emulated/0/LightningLauncher/tmp/script.js exposed beyond app through Intent.getData()

Samsung Galaxy S7 with Oreo 8.0.0

LLX 14.2, 14.2.1 and 14.3beta


Pierre Hébert​ is there a new limitation of characters in script editor?

Pierre Hébert​ is there a new limitation of characters in script editor? A very long script I used before LL 14 is now cut off a the end and I can’t fill in more characters than 10500.


Pierre Hébert​

Pierre Hébert​

Is there an issue with text rendering? In normal mode the text is cut off, in edit mode it renders correct.


Pierre Hébert​​ LL 12.8.1B2

Pierre Hébert​​ LL 12.8.1B2

Desktop with panel inside. When in edit mode for desktop try to change to edit mode for items in panel. Looks like new edit mode for panel, but no sidebars with icons for editing are shown. 


Pierre Hébert​ LL 8.1

Pierre Hébert​ LL 8.1

I set folder as sidebar. In folder is panel with items. When trying to open this folder LL stops. I tried to disable seamles mode x for this panel, by editing it’s properties from hierarchy. But this doesn’t solve the issue. I moved this panel from folder to desktop. Now folder opens. But after restarting LL can’t use LL anymore. I only got a black screen. I think because of this panel on home desktop


Pierre Hébert​ LL 8.1

Pierre Hébert​ LL 8.1

Desktop with panel inside. When in edit mode for desktop try to change to edit mode for items in panel. Looks like new edit mode for panel, but no sidebars are shown.


Pierre Hébert​

Pierre Hébert​

I think this was mentioned several times before, but it’s a pity to edit a one row panel.

Today I tried to add a new shortcut. Instead of adding it to the free place I suggested for, it appeared two screens above out of the way.

It’s not easy on a low res device to pinch zoom on one row and select the shortcut for moving or better deleting it. The new hierarchy screen can help, but on low res and this deep in hierarchy I only find shortcut “… as text. It’s hard to distinguish what’s the right shortcut “….

How about editing it more like a mix of folders and desktops? With thick line box showing the dimension of the panel and thin lines in same dimension showing panel pages. And the folder part would be the semi transparent background.


Pierre Hébert​ can you please make word wrap in new hierarchy screen?

Pierre Hébert​ can you please make word wrap in new hierarchy screen? On low res devices its difficult to find the right shortcut (German: Verknüpfung) the deeper it goes.


I have a widget in folder.

I have a widget in folder. Folder window is located on top and size is computed from LL. Long tap action starts a script which changes the size of the widget via item.setCell(). I think before the new layout editor came, it was OK. But now the window of the folder does no auto resize, when items in it are resized from script. Pierre Hébert​


Pierre Hébert​ is it possible to access the current item id in bindings?

Pierre Hébert​ is it possible to access the current item id in bindings? I used Dummy Binding to run a script. The script needs data to access this item by id and paint something on it’s icon. So the runScript should transmit the calling item id.
