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The way I have my apps in the app drawer formatted they don’t show the icon on an app search.

The way I have my apps in the app drawer formatted they don’t show the icon on an app search. I just have to hope I am pressing the right square. Is there a way to change the layout for just the searched apps? and the recents? and the alphabetical? Actually, everything except the “My Apps” part of the drawer? Advice anyone?

Pierre my email and crash report won’t go through.

Pierre my email and crash report won’t go through. Running Nox on Windows 7 64 bit and it crashes whenever I move anything out of a folder. Just a heads up.


Can someone please let me into the “Make Lightning Launcher a Better App” Community?

Can someone please let me into the “Make Lightning Launcher a Better App” Community?

Getting lots of crashes while adding or rearranging things on desktops and app drawer.

Getting lots of crashes while adding or rearranging things on desktops and app drawer. What does Lightning Launcher Live Wallpaper is not yet enabled mean? Where do I enable it? Been having fun working with panels and making a sidebar 🙂


Thanks for the help guys.

Thanks for the help guys. Having another problem. I have it set on dual position because my mario level makes no sense unless I set it up differently for portrait vs landscape. But every time I move an object in landscape it changes it in portrait and vice versa (sp?) . I dont ever remember having this problem before. How do I fix this?



Duh… Don’t judge – I am having a bad day and got no sleep. I just set the launch animation for one of my widgets and I can’t see where the setting is to change it back. I’m probably looking right at it but can’t see it. Please help… Sorry once again. Working on the 8bit gaming theme with animated gifs. I’ll post pictures when it is done.


Can someone figure out a way for me to make a sidebar or floating desktop with just a list of my open or recent apps…

Can someone figure out a way for me to make a sidebar or floating desktop with just a list of my open or recent apps on it? I am sick of clipping through them like some weird memo book everytime I want to see what I’ve opened recently. I can’t write script so I don’t know what to do in this situation.


Whenever I long press my recent apps button it open the red menu at the bottom of the screen (which I don’t use).

Whenever I long press my recent apps button it open the red menu at the bottom of the screen (which I don’t use). I need it to not do that because I am using button remapper. Where’s the setting? Also, what’s the difference between the groups for Lightning Launcher and Lightning Launcher Users?

How do I apply for beta? Or alpha?

How do I apply for beta? Or alpha?


LL crashes frequently when I try to adjust anything in my app drawers.

LL crashes frequently when I try to adjust anything in my app drawers. I have to back it up all the time to get any changes to stick because it will crash and revert. Happening on 📱 HTC One m10 (T-Mobile) Marshmallow 6.0.1 and 📱 Samsung Galaxy Tab S2 (T-Mobile) Marshmallow 6.0.1. Both use different designs. What do I do?
