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The way I have my apps in the app drawer formatted they don’t show the icon on an app search.

The way I have my apps in the app drawer formatted they don’t show the icon on an app search. I just have to hope I am pressing the right square. Is there a way to change the layout for just the searched apps? and the recents? and the alphabetical? Actually, everything except the “My Apps” part of the drawer? Advice anyone?

Can someone please let me into the “Make Lightning Launcher a Better App” Community?

Can someone please let me into the “Make Lightning Launcher a Better App” Community?

Whenever I long press my recent apps button it open the red menu at the bottom of the screen (which I don’t use).

Whenever I long press my recent apps button it open the red menu at the bottom of the screen (which I don’t use). I need it to not do that because I am using button remapper. Where’s the setting? Also, what’s the difference between the groups for Lightning Launcher and Lightning Launcher Users?

Just wanted to say thanks for supporting animated gifs as icons.

Just wanted to say thanks for supporting animated gifs as icons. I am using an 8 bit theme system wide (as much as I can) and I set up my homepage to look like a video game level with a little mega man running through a Mario level. I even put Guile beating up the car from street fighter! Awesomesauce. Any way to get an animated gif to work as a wallpaper without downloading an external app? I have an app for my homescreen wallpaper but I’d like to have a different animated wallpaper for my app drawer…

Can someone tell me how to use a custom font for the folder title?

Can someone tell me how to use a custom font for the folder title? I can change it in the app drawer or desktop but when I open it and it says the name on top it shows it in the system font still..

Awesome awesome awesome.

Awesome awesome awesome. Just bought the launcher and am nearly speechless and extremely impressed. Thanks so much. I am a pretty quick learner thankfully. Still I am sure I will have to spend hours in customization. I don’t mind screwing up and having to revert to default occasionally. I consider it a learning experience. Quick question. Last time I got myself stuck and set it back to default the bar at the bottom wit. The app drawer and settings was gone. How do I get that back without reinstalling?? Is it a sidebar? Someone email me k? or thank you!