Karsten Franke
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Is there any way to style LLPreference items?
Is there any way to style LLPreference items?
I World like to change the Text color of a LLPreference checkbox or category by applying a color filter.
It just seems I dont have access as not all properties are inherited from the android equivalent super classes.
Many thanks for any hint.
Why is the createscript of a customview called more than once? Docs don’t say anything unfortunately.
Expected behaviour would be one call only?
]]>Window layout got broken with latest release 14.2:
Following code doesn’t pan the screen anymore (when entering an edit text within a custom view on focus change), but did prior to the update:
]]>To the script experts:
Why does Lightning crash when uncommenting the line with “onKeyPreIme” and you are pressing the back key on the soft keyboard while the EditText is focused?
Anything wrong with how I try to extend EditText? Should be correct, code-wise?
Use following code as createscript for a custom view:
var edit = new JavaAdapter(EditText,
//onKeyPreIme: function(keyCode, event) { }
return edit;
Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks guys.
]]>Is http://www.lightninglauncher.com down?
Anybody any idea what’s going on?
Lukas Morawietz TrianguloY
Do you happen to have the permission apk(s) at hand? The download page is also down unfortunately.
]]>is there a way to detect when a template is being installed?
I would like to trigger an action only once, at the time a template is installed.
(desktop resume or load event is therefore not an option).
Thanks for any hints or ideas.
]]>Is it possible to use custom icons that are stored within the res/drawable folder of my android template project?
I would like to use custom icons in an Android notification which requires the icon to be accessed via ressource ID. So I cant just use any icon but it has to be placed on the res/drawable folder and accessed via R.drawable.icon_name (where R is not the android R (as this only supplies default icons) but my apps’ R).
This is a rather specific question, I was wondering if this there is an answer anyway (even if negative).
Pierre Hébert
]]>Following the preview and a couple of hundreds lines of code later the media player proof of concept(!) as a video…
Following the preview and a couple of hundreds lines of code later the media player proof of concept(!) as a video…
– Playback of local files including display of album art (and fallback image if no image is existing)
Album art is also shown on lockscreen (as known from other media player apps like Google play music)
– Receiving system volume changes
– Obeying audio focus changes (player stops if another app requests audio focus)
– Seekbar (height and color are customizable)
– Skip forward/backward (customizable)
– Sleep timer using the android timepicker component (safely fall asleep during playback ;))
– Making use of Android notifications to show player controls and album art on the lockscreen and in notification panel
– As local playback might be lame at some point, I also added support for streaming playback of online radio stations incl. grabbing metadata and parsing to display current artist and title
Under the hood I make use of asnyc tasks to provide a non-blocking experience (as buffering might take some seconds).
The would still be some (a lot actually) open points (testing on other devices and Android versions (currently Sony Z3 on Android 6, support for when used in car setup with Bluetooth, shuffle) but for now the mvp does what is important I think.
Feedback welcome. Any questions let me know.
Getwidth or getcellwidth return 0 on items that have been retrieved via script.
var selitem = getEvent().getScreen().getCurrentDesktop().getItemByName(“container”).getContainer().getItemByName(tag);
var folder=selitem.getContainer();
Folder.getwidth() returns 0 where it didn’t before
The container itself is a valid object and not null as it seems.
Using getEvent().getContainer() seems to work on the other hand which I have no idea why.
Pierre Hébert