Is there any way to style LLPreference items?

Is there any way to style LLPreference items?

I World like to change the Text color of a LLPreference checkbox or category by applying a color filter.

It just seems I dont have access as not all properties are inherited from the android equivalent super classes.

Many thanks for any hint.

4 Commentsto Is there any way to style LLPreference items?

  1. Thanks, but this doesnt seem to be applicable to me as I am using LLPreference objects.(e.g.

    I could be using Android standard widgets (As shown in the link provided) and style those.

    I was just using the LL specific ones intentionally as they offer some handy functionality out of the box without the need to reinvent the wheel. Something that would be necessary if I was using Android components.

    Nevermind. Seems like I have to go back a step first to go two steps forward 🙂 – LLPreferenceCheckBox

  2. Jay M says:

    i just ment he was messing about with styling views so he might know how to do it.

  3. idk if any of you are using the code.. but I made a few changes.. I tried to make it work as a class, so creating the dialogs should be relatively easier..

    on my “journey” to make it behave like a class, I found that sending a broadcast was needed to take out the information from the listeners,

    then I found that LL don’t like to run two JavaAdapter in the same code, at least in my phone, so I tried to eliminate them, and I was only successful with the broadcast receiver, and so far it’s working

    the script can be “imported” to other scripts as well and you only need to include what’s below “your code”

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