I’m looking for help.
I would like to create shortcuts to my recent contacts in a script. Using tasker and AutoContact, I’m able to build a JSON array containing the contact ID and contact name of the 10 last recent contacts.
The goal is to iterate this JSON array in a script that would build a list of shortcuts to open these contacts and add them in a Panel.
Part of the script I’m using to create the shortcut based on the contact ID:
var contactID = “207”; //to be iterated
var contactName = “My Contact”; //to be iterated
var intent = Intent.parseUri(“content://com.android.contacts/contacts/” + contactID + “#Intent;action=android.provider.action.QUICK_CONTACT;type=vnd.android.cursor.item/contact;launchFlags=0x10018000;B.com.android.launcher.intent.extra.shortcut.INGORE_LAUNCH_ANIMATION=true;end”,0);
var addedShortcut = myPanel.getContainer().addShortcut(contactName ,intent,0,0);
It works fine: the shortcut is created and it opens the contact but I need help to retrieve the icon that corresponds to the contact: sometimes it is a picture, somtimes it is a material icon representing the first letter of the contact name. Any idea how I could achieve this ?
Any hint/idea is welcome!
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See https://developer.android.com/reference/android/provider/ContactsContract.Contacts.html#openContactPhotoInputStream(android.content.ContentResolver, android.net.Uri, boolean)
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Thanks for the reply.
Unfortunately, I have very limited knowledge in Android development and I will not be able to find the solution by myself without a concrete example.
I googled it and could not find an example that I could use in lightning launcher. Do you know where I could find some code that would just need some little update to fit my needs ?
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Stany Freres Lightning requires java code written in javascript. This is a unique combination afaik. You’ll find no help except in directly LL related resources. I’ll see if I can put an example together.
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Thanks for this reply!
In the meantime, I already found a workaround that works pretty well: if the contact has a picture, I extract it with AutoContact in Tasker. If there is no picture, I use the first letter of the contact name to link it to a rounded letter icon. The result is quite nice and looks a lot like the real icon !
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Good to know. I’ve had no success setting up a lighting-exclusive solution for this, so your workaround seems to be the way to go