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If the developer of these templates is still around, I’m having fun mixing and matching elements from the Hide and…

If the developer of these templates is still around, I’m having fun mixing and matching elements from the Hide and Seek, Executive, Elegance, and Companion templates on my Huawei Mediapad, with some minor edits of my own. It’s a lot of fun–they’re very flexible, and they accommodate lots of personal touches. Thank you, wherever you are!


Hello, i want buy LL but Google Play show notification: This item isn’t available in your country.

Hello, i want buy LL but Google Play show notification: This item isn’t available in your country. What wrong with my country (Lithuania/EU)?

Thank You!


Lately, i am writing the script putting some effect when i swipe to the left on my desktop.

Lately, i am writing the script putting some effect when i swipe to the left on my desktop.

i used the script on Event>position Changed.

I detect the change by the api (getpositionX())

i would like to know is it battery friendly by making animation with script?


Lil something im working on to go with my assistant 😊

Lil something im working on to go with my assistant 😊


My first crack at it.

My first crack at it. Widgets are Today Weather, Digical, and Holo Battery Widget. Icon packs are Aivy (side stripe) and Ango.


Hi i m just a new user learning to use the script to create some simple effect

Hi i m just a new user learning to use the script to create some simple effect

(i swype on the desktop, the shortcuts and widget from the right hand side of the screen getting in and increase the transparency from 0 to 255,so it looks like fading in from RHS)

i m fine with the shortcut i used the follow script or called api

but i failed to do the same thing on the widget

var d = LL.getCurrentDesktop();

var x = d.getPositionX();

var i = d.getItemByName(“Timetable”);

var i2 = d.getItemByName(“calendar”);

var a = x/1335*255;

/1335 is my horizontal screen width/


i tried the same api by replacing i to i2


it throws me an error

i think this is because of i2 a widget but i is a shortcut

any idea or suggestion on the modification?

sorry for my bad english

many thanks


My first theme using a horizontal/vertical setup, thanks to LL.

My first theme using a horizontal/vertical setup, thanks to LL.

I just found the “Make me turn” easter egg script :P

I just found the “Make me turn” easter egg script 😛


BUG: Since Android 8.0 Oreo on my Samsung S8, newly installed apps no longer appear in my launcher homescreen…

BUG: Since Android 8.0 Oreo on my Samsung S8, newly installed apps no longer appear in my launcher homescreen automatically.


Buen día.. Algún hispano en el grupo

Buen día.. Algún hispano en el grupo
