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With your help I’ve been able to create a New Desktop on my tablet, put a few apps on it and set it as my Floating…

With your help I’ve been able to create a New Desktop on my tablet, put a few apps on it and set it as my Floating Desktop.

But in the process somehow the existing Lock Screen desktop got activated, so whenever I turn on the tablet’s display the Lightning Launcher Lock Screen desktop appears. I have to hit my Home button twice to get to my main desktop.

How can I disable or even delete the Lock Screen desktop?

I have read the Wiki, it says to tap and cancel, but all that does is open the Lock Screen desktop. How can I get rid of it?

Lockscreen unlocks on widget update?

Lockscreen unlocks on widget update?

I’ve set up a desktop containing Zooper widgets as a lockscreen. These widget have on-click properties set in Zooper to update the widgets. The lockscreen I’ve set to unlock on swipe—simple.

Now, however, the problem is when I touch the widgets, they update and the screen unlocks—not the desired behavior.

It’s not necessarily connected with the widgets though, as I use the Bubblefication app to change some notifications to pop-up bubbles—I’ve noticed when these appear on the lockscreen and I click the expanded bubble to minimize it the screen also unlocks.

So maybe I need to set something else in the desktop’s properties to not unlock on general actions?


Fix Oreo icons

Fix Oreo icons

This script was created to fix the ‘items without icons on android Oreo’ bug until Pierre implements it.

The script sets the adaptive icons of the shortcuts apps that uses them, unsupported on lighting 14.2b1.

This script ONLY WORKS on android Oreo.


You can change the roundness of the icons changing the ROUNDVAL value on the first line of the script. A value of 0 means no round, aka square. A value of 1 means all round, aka circle. Any value inbetween makes a rounded square. Also, a value of -1 uses the system default shape (whatever that is).

By default 0.35 because I find that good enough.

You can also change the relative size of the inner icon by changing the ZOOM value. A value of 1 means no scale, but the icon is very small. A value of 2 make the icon double size, but it is too big. Any other value correspond to the specified scale.

By default 1.25 because that seems the best size for me.

How to use:

After copying it and paste as a new script in the script editor REMEMBER to enable the lighting menu and item menu categories (swipe from the left). Then you can:

Run from an item to change that item’s icon. If the icon already have a custom icon it will ask to override.

Run from a container to change all item’s icon from that container and subcontainers recursively. It will ask to override custom icons or not.

Run from any other event to change items’s icons from that container recursively without asking for overriding (won’t override). Use this for automation.

If you have any issues write a comment and I’ll try to help. Also if you want to improve the script feel free to do so and share it! A mention is just enough.


I’ve been using Lightning Launcher for years, but I’ve never learned about “desktops”.

I’ve been using Lightning Launcher for years, but I’ve never learned about “desktops”.

If I create a new desktop, how do I navigate to and from it and my main desktop?

I have read the Wiki, I have created a bookmark on the new desktop.

How do I move between desktops?

Web Shortcuts for all devices without installing other apps 😊

Web Shortcuts for all devices without installing other apps 😊

Script is in the first post after copying it open the script editor application and paste the script slide out the script editor drawer and tick the lightning menu checkbox so it appears under the scripts menu as shown in the video.


I’d like to run Lightning Launcher backup at the press of a shortcut: I currently have all the tasker externalities…

I’d like to run Lightning Launcher backup at the press of a shortcut: I currently have all the tasker externalities of the additional steps I want—delete the old *.lla backup files, move the newly created backup to SD and so—done.

Now I just need to get Tasker to perform—via the Lightning Launcher plugin—the operation of backing up Lightning Launcher settings to the default name and location. How can I do this?


I’m on Nougat, set a desktop as lockscreen—can I hide the navbar on this lockscreen?

I’m on Nougat, set a desktop as lockscreen—can I hide the navbar on this lockscreen? In the desktop settings I can only choose to have the statusbar hidden, for navbar only the tint etc…


I’m sure I’m missing it and it’s simple to do, but can’t figure it out: I want to increase default icon size for a…

I’m sure I’m missing it and it’s simple to do, but can’t figure it out: I want to increase default icon size for a desktop to some zoom percentage, let’s say 160%. How do I do this? I don’t want to fiddle with every icon and change its size.

In Desktop layout settings, I can set the grid, i.e. 6×9 but then the icons stay spaced out and small—how do I enlarge them all?


My LL with web shortcuts

My LL with web shortcuts


Just in case anybody reads this…have fun with Zunish.

Just in case anybody reads this…have fun with Zunish.