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Pierre Hébert​ could you implement it please ?

Pierre Hébert​ could you implement it please ?

Originally shared by Chris Lacy

Android O/Pixel Launcher looks to add an animating icon for the Google Clock app. Full details here:

As you might guess from the below screenshot, this feature has been integrated into Action Launcher for current devices. Grab Action Launcher here:


Latest system software update for Samsung Galaxy S8+ changed smth and now the overlap content option of the status…

Latest system software update for Samsung Galaxy S8+ changed smth and now the overlap content option of the status bar is not working as before


Hello, community!

Hello, community!

Why sometimes there is earthquakes if I fall into panel editing?

Btw, it performs in wired directions.

Maybe, it defers from position of preferences (props) editor.


What is the way to get full version of LL from google play store plz reply

What is the way to get full version of LL from google play store plz reply



I made a floating desktop containing a panel on left edge. So it acts like a universal sidebar (if any other way to make such thing, please do tell). I figured an odd behavior. The bottom most icon is for ‘app drawer’ which is added from the floating desktop. But in floating mode clicking on this icon doesn’t open app drawer. If I got to the floating desktop in normal mode then it can open drawer.

Is this behavior normal or a bug or I am doing it wrong?


So i was trying out different launchers last night, and as many times before, i always end up coming back to LL.

So i was trying out different launchers last night, and as many times before, i always end up coming back to LL.

One feature that i liked from Action Launcher 3 is the ability to swipe up on an icon and open a related widget, then close it with a downswipe on the same icon.

How difficult would this be to script in LL?


Can we add Google now integration on lightning launcher?

Can we add Google now integration on lightning launcher?


Hi. Is there any way to make that ’18’ of date bigger than month and year and also white in color. It’s dynamic text. Can we use tags or something.


Sorry if this has been asked before (can’t seem to find a Search button with the Google Plus app), but how do I…

Sorry if this has been asked before (can’t seem to find a Search button with the Google Plus app), but how do I change all the app icons in the app drawer? I’ve gone to the app drawer settings, but it doesn’t seem to do anything when I try to change them. Nova Launcher does so without any issues. I much prefer this app however. Thanks in advance for any and all help.

//Hide Statusbar on only one Desktop.

//Hide Statusbar on only one Desktop.

What is the simplest way to hide the Statusbar only on Dektop one, if I swipe on a other screen the came back?


(I’m new here so please not to mutch expert informartion 😀 )
