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Hi there!

Hi there! my first post, and my first lightning setup! This setup uses 2 kwgt widgets. The rest is all lightning. The app draw is a 2nd desktop if you’re curious.


two questions for the scripting experts here:

two questions for the scripting experts here:

1. what is the best way to introduce a “wait time” or delay of a few seconds in a script?

2. when sending an intent using startActivity, is it possible to use the format “intent:#Intent;action=ACTION,package=PACKAGE …”? what is the correct syntax for sending an intent this way?

thanks! tried looking through this forum but couldn’t find any answers …


Photo frame Script

Photo frame Script

I was only going to share this script with my 100% lightning layout but im waiting for Pierre to get back before sharing that. Anyways i thought some people might like to use this as part of there own layouts. You can see it in the screenshot below its nothing special thats really all there is to it theres no fancy transition effects or slideshow or anything like that its just a static image displayed in a custom view. I was originally using a widget app to do this but its not 100% lightning if people gotta install other apps so i wrote this to replace the app. The Script is in post 2 all you need to do to use it is replace the path variable value with the location of your image.


Is it possible to change the icon of a folder by script ?

Is it possible to change the icon of a folder by script ? 



Hello, it’s been a long time since the last time I check this forum.

Hello, it’s been a long time since the last time I check this forum.

I lost my previous phone and now have Samsung A5 2017.

I restore all apps and configuration to this new phone. But when I try to use gesture “swipe down to expand notification tray” why nothing happened?

Swipe up to show LL setting is working.


Multitool V2.10 Beta

Multitool V2.10 Beta

Includes animations:

Some of you might remember my old animation script

In the past, I gave up on it because it caused lots of stability issues and would fuck up the layout from time to time.

Well, Lightning has evolved since then, and now supports native animations. This has several advantages:

– No LL-Values are changed (so nothing can be destroyed, as everything is reset when LL restarts).

– Speed: The old script had problems with a lot of items. Native animations run a lot better and should not have problems with performance.

– Supports items attached to the grid

I’ll try to upload a video in the next few days. For now just watch the old video if you are interested, not much has changed feature-wise.

Please report any bugs and suggest any feature you’d like to see.

This will be a paid feature inside multitool, however:

– there is a 7-day Trial

– You can continue to use the old script, although I will not provide any support for it

– As always, Beta testers can request a free unlock code with an email at

You can sign up as a beta tester here


Multitool V2.9.9

Multitool V2.9.9

– fixed gestures

Thanks to everyone who reported the issue and your patience.


I’ve been having an issue with some items appearing blank until I touch them.

I’ve been having an issue with some items appearing blank until I touch them. I used to think it was an issue with Zooper not updating my widgets because it was always 2 widgets that did this. The screen would be black where the widget should be and as soon as I touch them they would appear.

Recently I had to factory reset my phone and after doing so those widgets no longer display this behavior. But instead items in a panel now do it. Maybe the change is because of the order I added the items to the desktop this time around. Any ideas?

I have two widgets on the desktop a clock one, and a agenda one. Then I have a bottom panel that is pinned as a dock as well as a side panel with other panels inside it. I have played around with the image pool size but that hasn’t made a difference.

Everything seems to work fine but just not show up. For example on the bottom dock I have 5 apps and randomly one or more of them don’t show up. I’ll drag my finger on the dock items appear and I can then click on them.

Running nougat on an S7 if that matters, but experienced this on marshmallow as well.


Gone for a “Kingdom Hearts” theme.

Gone for a “Kingdom Hearts” theme.

The “thinking of you” has a hidden shortcut to my girlfriend WhatsApp.


Can I use a binding to an object’s background color?

Can I use a binding to an object’s background color?
