You aren’t getting any errors? The binding must be between apostrophes
If still it doesn’t work, what is the content of that variable? A very helpful ‘debug’ trick is to set that exact binding to the label binding of an item, so you know exactly what it is.
Or, you can select the item with the binding, copy its style, select the other items and apply the style (this will copy all bindings and the other properties). The copy/paste style buttons are the fourth and fifth from the top in the right toolbar
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Yes. Check the box property and use the ‘c’ for the content color.
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So set the binding to “c:$variable” ?
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Well, the best way to know is to try it! 🙂
If the ‘variable’ variable contains the color, then yes.
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TrianguloY none of this seems to work
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TrianguloY – Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet
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You aren’t getting any errors? The binding must be between apostrophes
If still it doesn’t work, what is the content of that variable? A very helpful ‘debug’ trick is to set that exact binding to the label binding of an item, so you know exactly what it is.
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Now it’s just being transparent
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The color must have a transparent value, and make sure you are writing it with the 0x prefix if it is in hexadecimal.
This above will turn the background to green.
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My label looks like #FF00AABB – how can I reformat that?
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Thanks! It works!
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TrianguloY now, is there a way to apply a binding to every item in a folder at once?
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There is, but using a script.
Or, you can select the item with the binding, copy its style, select the other items and apply the style (this will copy all bindings and the other properties). The copy/paste style buttons are the fourth and fifth from the top in the right toolbar