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Here is a link to the list of modified strings since the last stable version 12.3.1.

Here is a link to the list of modified strings since the last stable version 12.3.1. This is a “diff”, sorry if it is a bit harsh, but this is handy 😉 It displays lines with a “-” prefix for deleted and “+” for added. Usually a modification is shown as a deletion and an addition.

(file encoding is wrong, please don’t pay attention to it)

Update Italian translation (saved 10 April 2015 08:17):

Update Italian translation (saved 10 April 2015 08:17):

– Translated the new string added


Update Italian translation (saved 09 April 2015 12:50):

Update Italian translation (saved 09 April 2015 12:50):

– Translated the new string added


Pierre Hébert

Pierre Hébert

please add to variable this text:

i think i already….

please do not insist…

Hey! Cant….

Well, thats enough….

Ok, f this is the…


Translation update for:

Translation update for:

– 日本語

– Español

– Français


The Spanish translation has been updated!

The Spanish translation has been updated!

Now it is translated all (previously it was around 50%, and I even need to rewrite some texts)

If there is another Spaniard here it will be good to test the language pack (once it gets updated or checking directly on the translation page) and discuss some translations if necessary. Gracias 🙂


Update Italian translation (saved 17 March 2015 10:26):

Update Italian translation (saved 17 March 2015 10:26):

– Translated the new string added

– Correct same existing strings

– Update some strings


Translation update to match V12.2 for:

 Translation update to match V12.2 for:

– Italiano

– Čeština

– Slovenčina

– Français


Update Italian translation (11 March 2015 13:11)

Update Italian translation (11 March 2015 13:11)

– Translated the new strings added


This new variable are not visible in LL (only in english):

This new variable are not visible in LL (only in english):

Please wait… (tr_pw)

Sorry, an error occurred… (tr_eu)

Canceled (tr_c)

propably this – i cannot test

Thank you for supporting Lightning! (tr_ty)

Pierre Hébert 
