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Rounded Corners PRO
Rounded Corners PRO
Auto theming / light or dark
]]>Can this be done without the help of widgets?I’ve tried with “webview widget” but…it’s too complicated…Meaning.
Can this be done without the help of widgets?I’ve tried with “webview widget” but…it’s too complicated…Meaning…location/conditions/temperature..Personal use only…Or..a script where i can manually add location?Thank you.
]]>Hello !
The .setPosition function only seems to work on panels copied from another panel and does nothing for me on panels created from scratch.
For example I have 2 panels : id 127, created from scratch, and id 128, a copy of 127. My script looks like this :
When I run the script, panel 128 is the only one scrolling. I’m using the Multi Container Bookmark script but it doesn’t seem to come from that.
Any idea what’s going on ?
]]>File manager
This script started as a request (, but it is usable and maybe useful, so I’m sharing it as a separate post.
The script populates a panel with the files of a specified folder. You can launch the files and navigate opening folders or going ‘up’ the folder hierarchy.
It also lets you create new empty files and folders.
If someone want to improve it, here are a list of features currently unsupported but that will be a good addition: custom menu when long tapping, ability to delete items, custom icons for non-folder files, ability to create bookmarks and save the current path as a variable (or display it somewhere). And also a bit of optimization, the current script is optimized but can be a bit slow with folders with many items.
To set it up create a panel somewhere and check it’s id (long tap the panel, and the menu should say “Panel #00001a”, the id is ‘1a’) Then write this id on the script using the 0x prefix (second line: var containerId=0x1a) and change the default path if you want.
Important! The panel will be filled with the items. All things inside will be removed when the script runs.
I also highly recommend changing some properties of the panel: one column, 10-15 rows, disable snap to pages, enable scroll as far as the items go and set labels position at the right.
You may create a shortcut to run this script, that will open the default path, our you can add a different path as the data in the shortcut to create manual bookmarks.
]]>JFrame v2
JFrame v2
So i recently tried to show a 6K image using my photo script and got an out of memory error lol i guess i should of seen that coming 😁 but anyways the olds scripts obviously no good but im leaving it up because bruno said it helped him do summet so hopefully it helps other people 2 its also a bit easier to read than this 1. Ive tried to fix the OOM error and i added a seekbar to the scaletype options dialog, basically how it works is the closer to 0 you set it the better the quality of the image but the more memory it will use. So my advice is to set it to the middle see how it looks and knock it up or down until you find a quality your happy with.
code is in the first post.
]]>How with script can I get the 5 top used often application shortcuts?
Photo frame Script
I was only going to share this script with my 100% lightning layout but im waiting for Pierre to get back before sharing that. Anyways i thought some people might like to use this as part of there own layouts. You can see it in the screenshot below its nothing special thats really all there is to it theres no fancy transition effects or slideshow or anything like that its just a static image displayed in a custom view. I was originally using a widget app to do this but its not 100% lightning if people gotta install other apps so i wrote this to replace the app. The Script is in post 2 all you need to do to use it is replace the path variable value with the location of your image.
]]>I wrote a script to use as a launch animation that scales an item up and then down again (kinda like a bounce).
function fillOptions(options, defaults){
options = options || {};
for(var p in defaults){
if(typeof options[p] === “undefined”)
options[p] = defaults[p]
return options;
function setAndClearTimeout(func, timeout){
var id = setTimeout(function(){
}, timeout);
function animScale(it, newScale, duration, options){
options = fillOptions(options, {animType: null, clearBindings: true});
var varName = “scaleAnim”;
var form = “animate(‘$”+varName+”‘, “+duration;
form += ‘, “‘+options.animType+'”‘;
form += ‘)’;
var prop = it.getProperties();
var onGrid = prop.getBoolean(“i.onGrid”);
it.setBinding(“s.iconScale”, form, true)
it.setBinding(“”, form, true);
it.setBinding(““, form, true)
LL.setVariableFloat(varName, newScale);
setAndClearTimeout(function after(){
prop.edit().setFloat(“s.iconScale”, newScale).commit()
it.setScale(newScale, newScale);
}, duration)
function bounce(it, duration, scaleIncrease, options){
options = fillOptions(options, {after: null});
var itProp = it.getProperties()
, itScale;
itScale = itProp.getFloat(“s.iconScale”)
itScale = it.getScaleX()
animScale(it, itScale+scaleIncrease, duration/2, {animType:”de”, clearBindings:false, after: function(){
animScale(it, itScale, duration/2, {animType:”ac”, after: options.after, preciseFinish: true});
var e = getEvent();
var it = e.getItem();
bounce(it, 100, 0.25, {after: function(){
if(it.getIntent().getAction() == “android.intent.action.MAIN”){
getActiveScreen().runAction(EventHandler.RUN_SCRIPT, it, getScriptByName(“Scaling Animation”).getId());
]]>Hi all
I’ve been toying with scripts lately and I’m wondering if there’s any way to trigger an item long press action by script. I already know that I can launch a shortcut, but I can’t find something related to the other gestures.
Thanks for your help