I wrote a script to use as a launch animation that scales an item up and then down again (kinda like a bounce).

I wrote a script to use as a launch animation that scales an item up and then down again (kinda like a bounce). It works pretty good, but for some reason it makes LL use a ton of battery. Can anyone explain to me why or even suggest a better way to do it?

function fillOptions(options, defaults){

options = options || {};

for(var p in defaults){

if(typeof options[p] === “undefined”)

options[p] = defaults[p]


return options;


function setAndClearTimeout(func, timeout){

var id = setTimeout(function(){



}, timeout);


function animScale(it, newScale, duration, options){

options = fillOptions(options, {animType: null, clearBindings: true});

var varName = “scaleAnim”;

var form = “animate(‘$”+varName+”‘, “+duration;


form += ‘, “‘+options.animType+'”‘;

form += ‘)’;

var prop = it.getProperties();

var onGrid = prop.getBoolean(“i.onGrid”);


it.setBinding(“s.iconScale”, form, true)


it.setBinding(“t.sx”, form, true);

it.setBinding(“t.sy“, form, true)


LL.setVariableFloat(varName, newScale);

setAndClearTimeout(function after(){



prop.edit().setFloat(“s.iconScale”, newScale).commit()


it.setScale(newScale, newScale);














}, duration)


function bounce(it, duration, scaleIncrease, options){

options = fillOptions(options, {after: null});

var itProp = it.getProperties()

, itScale;


itScale = itProp.getFloat(“s.iconScale”)


itScale = it.getScaleX()


animScale(it, itScale+scaleIncrease, duration/2, {animType:”de”, clearBindings:false, after: function(){

animScale(it, itScale, duration/2, {animType:”ac”, after: options.after, preciseFinish: true});



var e = getEvent();

var it = e.getItem();

bounce(it, 100, 0.25, {after: function(){


if(it.getIntent().getAction() == “android.intent.action.MAIN”){

getActiveScreen().runAction(EventHandler.RUN_SCRIPT, it, getScriptByName(“Scaling Animation”).getId());







3 Commentsto I wrote a script to use as a launch animation that scales an item up and then down again (kinda like a bounce).

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    i just use bindings on the items that I want to “bounce” … e.g.

    Scale X set to

    1 + $bounce*0.2*(animate(‘$ll_second’,500,”li”)%1)

    where $bounce is a binary variable to toggle whether i want bouncing to occur

    not sure if it uses a ton of battery, since i have nothing to compare it with …


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    But if you apply this on multiple items they will all bounce right? I only want the animation to occur when I tap an item.

    As comparison you could just disable the binding and check LL battery usage right?


  3. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    yes, i have multiple items bouncing simultaneously. i don’t see a noticeable battery usage difference when the binding is off …


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