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Hi there! I’m dreaming about one simple script, but I’m not programmer, I’m only power user with great visions. ;)
The goal is to simple freeze or unfreeze apps by long tap on icons on desktops. Long tap scipt will be defined in General or in Desktop settings, for all icons, not only for selected and reconfigured icons by hand.
Will be better to have BW icon when apps are freezed and to have color icons when they are unfreezed.
As freeze/unfreeze utility I using 3C Toolbox which this functionality offer as shortcut and I configure this shortcut as long tap for selected icon, but for a lot of apps it is so much time to done it by hand…
Freezing is great for save battery, data and RAM, you know. 😉
Is there someone with skill to create this script for me?
Or is exist something with similar solution?
EDIT – solved! 🙂
]]>Hi, this might be a stupid question, but how can I use the Property class in the script api.
Thanks in advance 🙂
]]>Html labels LLXperiment
Html labels LLXperiment
While I were searching, I suddenly went to a page about how to make a multi-color TextView.
And I though…hey, this should be possible to do in LL.
Yes it was.
This is a way (not the best one I guess, but reliable) to have Html labels in LL.
The script is very simple: it searches for the label view of an item, it converts its LL’s label using Html.fromHtml() and change the TexView with that value. The result is a custom label with colors, sizes, and more [IMPORTANT! not all is available, but I don’t know what is and what is not, so try]
If you set the script in the resumed event of the item, you will have it permanently. (Note: if you change the label you need to switch to another app, then back to LL for the script to run and change the new label, or simply run it manually from the item menu)
Another thing to note: I found that the LL item setting “Maximum number of lines” cuts the label or forces it to be one-line (when it is 1). Keep this in mind.
Some label examples are:
Red and blue
italic bold
Lightning launcher
html labelsPierre Hébert​ … Maybe a setting ‘html label’ in shortcuts under text? :3
]]>Is possible to set a binding with scipts? If so, how?
Hi, 2 questions:
1: if i were to create a new item and would want to animate the movement of that item with bindings, how would I do that only using scripting?
2: is there any way to let the add item interface (with all the shortcut, app, widget, stoppoint etc. Buttons) pop up and then get the item that is added? (Maybe with getting the view for that from ll itself if necessary). And if this is even possible, could I maybe edit the view so that it only shows options for an app, or shortcut or blank item. I know I could kinda recreate the view myself, but getting it from ll would be better I think.
Thanks in advance 🙂
]]>Variable editor tool
This is a tool script to help editing the list of lightning variables.
It lets you modify current variables and/or create new ones.
How to use it:
Launch the script, the list of all current variables and an extra ‘create a variable’ entry will be shown.
Click a variable to see it’s type and value. You can modify it’s value and save it. If you click cancel it will ask to delete it.
If you choose ‘create a variable’ input a name and a value and it will be created.
Note: the variables are set using lightning’s action ‘set a variable’. This means that the value is converted to it’s type by lightning itself, this script doesn’t use the script API calls because they need to specify a type.
For the ‘how does this work?’:
Saves lightning to force it to save the variables into the variables file.
Reads the available variables from the variables file (because there is no way to obtain the variables elsewhere, or at least I don’t know how)
Shows the list of variables to choose, a lot of prompts, etc.
To set/create a value it calls lightning activity ‘set a variable’.
To delete a variable it calls LL.getVariables().edit().setString(name,null).commit();
]]>Quick question:
I can do addCustomView from script.
But how do I set an eventHandler to create the initial content as I would in The create event?
]]>Wrote a script. It sets a nice random(ish) wallpaper tint.
how to add context menu to app icons , like 3D Touch from apple :) :) :)
is this example work with out base ??