A question about switching orientation: are the events triggered before the items are moved to their dual position…

A question about switching orientation: are the events triggered before the items are moved to their dual position or afterwards?

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6 Commentsto A question about switching orientation: are the events triggered before the items are moved to their dual position…

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    I tried to get desktop.getWidth/getHeight, and compared theirs values. These values were from desktop before rotation.

    So I guessed it is triggered before item/desktop transition.

    Before or after?

    What will be more reasonable? I think after item/desktop transition is made.

    Pierre Hébert plz answer this question.


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    It is triggered after but the layout operation (which consists in setting items position) is asynchronous on Android. It means the rotation event is received and the layout will happen soon, but you don’t know exactly. It is not possible to way for the next layout in order to trigger the event, because some layout operations may be intermediate, or it may be the result of a previous pending operation.

    In other words: launcher specific data that are independent from the android view system (position on the screen and size in pixels) are updated immediately, but things that depends on the Android view system are not yet known (mostly width/height of the container, position and size of items in grid mode because they depend on the row/column size, which in turn depends on the container size).

    Sorry for the complex explanation !


  3. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Thanks for not complex, but detail explanation.


  4. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert

    I assume that the above question arose because of my problem. Can you solve it somehow (Pierre)? See the last text in this link:



  5. Anonymous says:

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    I think this is a different issue.


  6. Anonymous says:

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    It’s just something I wanted to know.

    It would’ve helped to resolve Danbar Danbar s bug, but I thougt about it because of something other.


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