Pierre Hébert​ first of all I would like to say thanks man, I used an older version for like 2 years and could only…

Pierre Hébert​ first of all I would like to say thanks man, I used an older version for like 2 years and could only do basic stuff and didn’t bother going any further. But since getting the new version I have dug in and I’m literally amazed every few seconds its a real trip man. There’s only a few things i would like (1) the ability to assign a specific desktop page bookmark to a larger action, like in the list of actions. Yes there is a way to kind of already do it but it’s very limited. (2) double taps, ability to double tap anything like under customize.. +.. , just would be a cool function to have. (3) and you already know I want this, ability to float folders sidebars panels etc anywhere over any app. It would be really cool to launch a little invisible floating panel from the notification or outside gesture that could be used as a little floating gesture pad that is there any time you want. Or widgets floating or anything. I have so many ideas for that its ridiculous and especially for tablets lol it is pure droidgasm nerdiness heaven lol anyway, if there is any way to do anything I’ve already said that I am just not recognized yet please do tell, thanks again


12 Commentsto Pierre Hébert​ first of all I would like to say thanks man, I used an older version for like 2 years and could only…

  1. Anonymous says:

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    Oops wrong category


  2. Anonymous says:

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    #3 is my dream. After using my wifes S4 and also checking out Multi-window launcher, I feel like this could be the next frontier on mobile. I feel like LLx could really benefit from a feature like this. The only thing I noticed in both of my examples is that they are separate apps.


  3. Anonymous says:

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    thomas greer​ Yep that would be the absolute most bad ass this thing could get.. I finally got a prepaid card and bought the newest version and I’m jus blown away bro, I’ve learned sooo much in the past 48 hrs alone so much the only real next step would be script but that’s a ways away lol.. But the multi window is the only real feature I like about Samsung I wish all android had stock… I know it’s not that easy to run more than one app completely launched as normal in the foreground that’s why it isn’t being done.. Samsung uses something more like a widget that packs most of the app into it that’s why from what I hear not all apps will run on multi window. I get very close to the same effect using popup widget and overlays as long as the app has a good functional widget. Now what would really be awesome is if you could get widgets for apps like hangout, messenger etc that lets you type and enter straight throught the Widget without opening the app.. Floatify has something similar using a quick reply window but only works with big apps like WhatsApp Messenger stock sms. But also the whatsapp+ has a cool pop up reply window that’s what I would like to have widgets for any app like if I can’t have multi window for real. But lightning with the flexibility would be practically unlimited in most ways for anything


  4. Anonymous says:

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    Hit me up on hangouts


  5. Anonymous says:

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    Floating desktop will certainly come one day or another, this is mainly a matter of time. That won’t be the case of double tap though, this is unlikely, I really dislike the delay it introduces (need to wait a bit after each tap to detect whether this is a single or double tap). It’s difficult to make a conditional behavior depending on the configuration. And for ability to select a bookmark in the list of actions, yes it may come one day, a bit like it is possible to select an existing folder to open.


  6. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert​ I totally understand about the time man, there’s no rush, take ur time and make do it right, the way you’ve done everything else. It’s the most logical next step imo and will definitely cover pretty much everything then.. And I see exactly what you’re saying about double taps and I didn’t even think about it like that honestly, I wouldn’t put it either without being able to give people an option of disabling it and completely fine tuning all the timing aspects which is really not worth the time… Yes a bookmark like selecting open a folder is exactly what I mean lol jus ideas anyway.. Total launcher can float Windows anywhere, but there’s a kk bug where when they aren’t coded a certain way when you close the window, the whole screen flashes black for a millisecond like it’s about to switch screens or apps, and it’s really annoying.. They haven’t fixed that last I’ve checked.. Now popup widget 2 fixed closing a popup window without that…. I’m curious as to what the difference is between total (and a bunch other especially older apps) and one like popup widget 2 closing a window differently. Cuz if u put it in lighting, u might have to run into that


  7. Anonymous says:

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    For the double click, I made a script (available in the repository)

    If it doesn’t work, tell me and I’ll update it 🙂


  8. Anonymous says:

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    TrianguloY​ I haven’t once used a script or know anything about it really besides what it is and does. I can somewhat read it sometimes and figure out the task it does, but couldn’t write you the first line or tell you what anything in it is called lol… But if I wanted to try a script without ruining my current setup, is there a safe way? And I wouldn’t know exactly how to start out… But if this requires too much of ur time explaining more than a quick few things, I don’t blame you for jus saying “nah dude it’s jus too complicated” lol thank you either way 😁


  9. Anonymous says:

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    The safe thing is to always make a backup before to try 😉

    Then you can use the Repository Importer from TrianguloY and Lukas Morawietz if you want to try scripts listed here: http://www.pierrox.net/android/applications/lightning_launcher/wiki/doku.php?id=script_repository , then follow instructions for the script you import. Et voilà!


  10. Anonymous says:

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    Sweet!! Thanks.. I’ve been wanting to experiment but not sure if a backup would stay intact… I don’t know what all parts of the launcher and it’s full code running a script takes or anything like that… As long as I can paste a script and hit run I should be OK lol


  11. Anonymous says:

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    Also, the majority of scripts don’t change more than all items of a container, at most all items of the current desktop (except if it says the opposite)

    I always have a desktop to test things (and in the past I had to reset it due to missing items, or 10000×10000 size ones lol, maybe Pierre remember one of my first bug reports 😛 )

    A backup is easy and all you need, but test a script before in another desktop will save you from undesired effects in some cases :)


  12. Anonymous says:

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    TrianguloY​ thanks alot, this community is a life saver for this App lol I’m gonna try some scripts after I figure out how to make stop point react event work every time… If I remove any stop direction, it won’t work every time.. Could be another factor I’m missing lol been missing alot


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