Hi how could we

Hi how could we

– change scroll speed on desktop (e.g. instantenous when clicked on a bookmark)?

-change speed of tab switch in “All Apps”?


7 Commentsto Hi how could we

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    The first is easy with scripting, without it is not possible now (as far as I know)

    The second….I think is as fast as the device can. For me is almost instantly.


  2. Anonymous says:

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    TrianguloY Actually I want to make second one slower 🙂


  3. Anonymous says:

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    Oh….so…try to open a lot of apps to make lag. 😀 just kidding.

    It’s a good suggestion, an animation like when switching desktops will be smooth.

    Pierre Hébert will decide.


  4. Anonymous says:

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    Side note: the animation of a folder opening while another closes on my device appears choppy if enough items are inside the folder.


  5. Anonymous says:

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    Okay I have a question and a possible answer in one.

    On Samsung devices you can go into Developer Options in Android Settings and alter Window Animation Scale, Transition Animation Scale, and Animator Duration Scale. Would any of those settings affect LLX?


  6. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    TrianguloY is right about 1 : something like

    LL.getCurrentDesktop().setPosition(800, 0, 1, false)

    will do the job, where 800 is the horizontal position in pixels, 0 is the vertical position in pixels, 1 is the zoom factor, and false tells LL to disable animations.

    There is no animation at all when switching modes in the app drawer at the moment, unfortunately animator duration parameters will have no effect…


  7. Anonymous says:

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    This is something that has bothered me for awhile… The rest of my phone is super snappy, and then slows way down when I scroll the desktop.


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