Hello again

Hello again,

I have 2 questions i believe to be simple to achieve with llx:

1. I created a simple panel to function as dock. I hid it in a page below. Then i created a page bookmark which shows the hidden dock when pressed. Is it possible to make the same shortcut hide the dock when pressed the second time. Like another action to show home.

2. Is it possible to control scroll speeds of page bookmarks? I mean scroll to a page without seeing what is between. I asked about this several months ago, i guess it needs some scripting. I have no idea about it.


7 Commentsto Hello again

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    1. Without scripting, I would say “kinda”.

    If the bookmark is in the panel (or page) you could pin it, and have a second transparent bookmark that slides in on top of the first that would move it back. Gives the illusion of the same icon giving a toggle action.

    2. Not to my knowledge


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Both possible with scripting. Maybe I’ll have a look at it later.


  3. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    1- yes, it’s really easy

    2- if you want to go directly (without animation) from script it is extremely easy.

    To achieve both you will need to know the position of the container where you want to move it, just go to the desired place and launch this to get the position and scale:

    var cont=LL.getEvent().getContainer();

    prompt(“”,”X: “+cont.getPositionX()+”\nY: “+cont.getPositionY()+”\nS: “+cont.getPositionScale());

    Once you have them

    For the first: I guess the second toggle will leave you to the home page, so you need this script

    var cont=LL.getEvent().getContainer();


    else cont.setPosition(0,0,1,true);

    where you need to add the previous values in #X# #Y# #S# (no, Google, no. They are not hashtags)

    for the second just


    Note: I didn’t check myself, if they make an error ask.


  4. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Thanks alot for the suggestions. Chris Chastain that’s a very practical idea.

    And TrianguloY i tried the scripts (needed to figure out how to try these first :))

    1. First part is ok, I can get the coordinates.

    2. The script does exactly what a desktop bookmark does, same scroll.

    3. Last part ports back to home, no scroll.

    In fact that scroll is ok, I just don’t want to see the inbetween pages. It is like laying out the inner workings of my setup :).

    For example i put some shortcuts as categories. One category at each page. I just want one category at a time to scroll to home. But When I scroll to last page bookmark, I can see my other categories while scrolling.


  5. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    So you want to scroll, but ‘hiding’ all the items between.

    That would be possible, but hard.

    Perhaps Lukas Morawietz can modify a bit his circular script…but it’s not an easy task.

    And the toggle script is working? 


  6. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[


    If you mean this part, it works;



  7. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    TrianguloY it takes a bit more than just modifying. And it would work only if you have only one row of pages


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