Playing with Bindings for battery level
Playing with Bindings for battery level
Why isn’t possible to rotate dynamic text ?
I’ve set angle but no rotation
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Playing with Bindings for battery level
Why isn’t possible to rotate dynamic text ?
I’ve set angle but no rotation
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Bindings are for animated features.
It works for me, but I recommend to set it directly from the geometry editor
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So animate(45) ?
Or could you point me to the geometry editor
Edit ok working
I’ve found the detach button
Thank you
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The geometry editor is the button at the left of the paintbrush one
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TrianguloY thanks
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Noticed that animate is not mandatory. Easier to write 😛 ex : 5*$bat_level
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Animate is for smooth transitions.
Did you watch the demonstration video?
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TrianguloY yes so I don’t need it for my battery thing ☺
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I prefer to animate it but that’s a personal opinion 🙂
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TrianguloY understood but how can I see a change when 1 % batt changing ? It’s really a little move
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If LL is paused, when you resume it the change will be more than 1%, in that case maybe an animation is more suitable…or maybe not