need help with a wallpaper.

need help with a wallpaper.

hi, i use LL, i have 3 desktops, two that i use and one blank. i also use klwp. the problem is, when i try to set a wallpaper with klwp, it changes all 3 desktops, i want that only the blank one will be affected. how do i do that? i couldn’t find a solution.

19 Commentsto need help with a wallpaper.

  1. Live wallpaper is set at the android system level, not launcher. Sorry! Just the way it is.

    You COULD set a static desktop wallpaper on the other 2 desktops to override the live wallpaper.

  2. Asaf Bello says:

    just to make sure, if i set a wallpaper with klwp, it will affect all 3 desktops, after that, in lightning’s setting, i need to set the static wallpapers to override the system wallpaper(which means klwp) correct? is there an easy way to do this, that will copy the other desktops completely as the new wallpaper?

  3. Asaf Bello that is correct… Except I don’t understand the last sentence.

    A desktop wallpaper is simply a background to whatever desktop you use it on.

  4. Asaf Bello says:

    I’ll try to put it simple,

    I want the klwp theme that i have to be the lockscreen, in order to do so, it has to have a separate desktop yes? But the problem is that it overrides the launcher as you said and affects all desktops. Is what i want possible?

    P. S i have taker if that might help.

  5. Asaf Bello if you want your other 2 desktops to use a (different) live wallpaper, then no, it’s not possible.

    If the other 2 use a normal static wallpaper, then do what I said earlier.

  6. Asaf Bello says:

    Ok I’ll try. Thank you for the help.

  7. Let me know how you get on.

  8. Asaf Bello says:

    tried it and it gives me the wallpaper in a minimized form, can’t edit him to full screen(don’t know how). and if i’ll succeed, it won’t make performance issues or other bugs?

  9. Asaf Bello​ no.

    Best way is to size your wallpaper graphic to your screen size first.

    For instance, my screen size is 1080×1920, so I would resize and/or crop my image to that size before using it.

    Sounds like your chosen image must be very small. Use a higher res image, or you’ll end up with poor quality.

  10. Asaf Bello says:

    can’t do it, the image is FHD but still it’s minimized, cant make it the screen’s size. and once i add one, i have no idea how to delete it, it’s just stuck in the middle of the screen and i have to restore.

    and one other question, how do i cancel the landscape mode on a desktop?

  11. After you select the image and you see it in the crop selection, tap it to see/edit numerical values.

    To remove a desktop wallpaper, continue as you did to select the image, but just tap the x icon, instead of selecting an image.

  12. Settings – Desktop – Miscellaneous – Desktop orientation is the setting you’re looking for I think.

  13. Asaf Bello says:

    Thank you for your help.

    The wallpaper is still not getting right. I tried to put FHD resolution, tried to put 0 on all(LL crash) , nothing happened. Am i doing something wrong?

  14. I don’t know what fhd refers to, but if you enter the size of your screen in pixels for width and height, it should work.

    Short cut is to select fit width and height, just below “Change Desktop Wallpaper”

    There must be a bug, because lightning should not crash, even if someone enters nonsensical values.

    Obviously, entering 0 for all values would make an image 0 pixels from left, 0 pixels wide, at a resolution of 0x0, which of course is invalid.

  15. Jay M says:

    Nice I never even new about this crop dialog 🙂

    If you search the private community I posted a simple script to show an image in a custom view you could just resize the view to match your screen and set its depth to the lowest so everything sits on top of the view this way it looks like a wallpaper.

  16. Jay M says:

    Oh yeah FHD = Full HD aka 1080P

  17. Ah, ok… So that is pretty much meaningless, when it comes to talking about the size of an image 😀

  18. Asaf Bello says:

    all solved for now, thx 🙂

  19. Asaf Bello glad to hear it

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