[EDIT: template link. See at bottom of this post]
Posted by: pierrot | on November 19, 2014
[EDIT: template link. See at bottom of this post]
Today I’m showing you a script that….
Wait, no. This time is not a script (sort of) but a whole screen! Full of new scripts!
And I recently updated to Lollipop, so better. (Except for the translucent bars 🙁 it was better in kitkat)
Ok, things to say:
1) I’m good programming, but really bad designing , just need to see my maze game, only cubes and spheres [this is not spam 😛 ] For this reason the screen has scripts doing things, and the design is really simple. If you are one of the ‘design masters’ your critics will be appreciated.
2) This is my personal screen. I made all the scripts for myself, this means: I didn’t tested them with different designs, different configurations, and didn’t tested for bugs. It works for me, and that’s all I wanted.
I think in posting the scripts in the future, don’t know when. If you have special interest for any in particular, tell in comments.
3) All the scripts are new ones, trying to make a ‘lollipop’ screen (animations mainly), I didn’t even use any of my old ones (just took some code).
The only exception is Ren Shore’s lateral bar indicator with little tweaks, which fits perfectly and I couldn’t resist to add (Thanks! 🙂
The scripts are:
– Random background color
– Page indicator with label zoom
– Widgets columns
– Always-top indicator
– Click effect
– Reset position when going back
– Reset desktop when exit
(Note: some things in the video are shown with more lag than usual)
Here is the template I had when I made the video (I exported it by then, deleting non related data). This means that the scripts are a bit outdated now. Don’t expect a full ready-to-use template. It should work, but you may need to fix some scripts if your screen is different of mine (nexus 4). You can check it to know how the layout is made (lots of panels 😉
In “[personal] material scrolling” change the 145 to the id of the panel with the tabs
Also in that script you may want to change the 460 to the new panel width.
If you have problems you can ask me, but I don’t know if I will be able to answer them.
Anyway, remember that all scripts used will be published.
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simply wow 🙂
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Ikr lol bad ass man
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Amazing, really good job! 👍⚡
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So cool!
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You did an awesome work !!
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TrianguloY you’re welcome.. I like your changes to it
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Pretty cool!
Chance you give us the scripts and instructions howto implement?
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Chris Theilmann as I said I plan to share all the scripts used. But can’t say any date because I want to test them and make them easier to implement.
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great job!
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Que buen trabajo! Me gusta mucho
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That’s good 🙂
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+TrianguloY tienes unas ideas realmente geniales!!
Yo todavía me estoy volviendo loco intentando comprender temas como los “stop points”, los movimientos entre paneles y demás. He visto detalles muy interesantes en tu video.
¿Piensas compartir ese excelente “material” para que podamos aprender los novatos?
Gracias por las ideas y un saludo.
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(Fast translation
Antonio: you have good ideas, will you share the screen?
Me: scripts, yes. Template, I plan to do so)
Gracias Antonio. Todo se basa en la experiencia y en las ganas.
Los scripts los voy a ir publicando pco a poco, no hay fecha prevista; y en cuanto a publicar algún template…Pues es muy posible que si, pero aún tengo que pensar si dejarlo tal cual o arreglarlo un poco. Ya veré.
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For everybody to know.
I edited the main post with a link to the template. Description at the bottom of the post.
(Spanish: Mensaje principal editado con el enlace al template)
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Hola TrianguloY
Me gustaría poder usar este tema en uno de mis trabajos , pero si te soy sincero no se por donde empezar.
Soy nuevo con este lanzador y no tengo ni idea de como utilizar este trabajo tuyo, por mas que toco este launcher lo único que hago es desconfigurarlo y volver a empezar.
Me he descargado este trabajo pero lo que veo que sale es la pantalla en negro nada mas, me gusta el efecto de cuando pasas las letras ( texto), tampoco se como añadir o crear un script .
Alguna ayuda o sugerencia te estaría muy agradecido.
Muchas gracias
TrianguloY hello
I would like to use this theme in one of my works, but if I’m honest do not know where to start.
I am new to this launcher and I have no idea how to use this thy work, but I play this launcher only thing I do is unconfigure and start again.
I downloaded this work but what I see is the screen goes black nothing else, I like the effect when you spend lyrics (text), neither add or create a script.
Any help or suggestions will be very grateful.
Thank you..( translated with google ) sorry for my English
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Hola Erguillermin Apodo
Si todavía eres nuevo con el launcher, casi te recomendaría que probaras por tu cuenta cosas sencillas para ir entendiendo poco a poco como funciona todo, la curva de aprendizaje es muy grande pero apasionante.
En cuanto a mi template, como he dicho no está listo para usar, mi especialidad son los scripts no los templates completos (para ello hay muy buenos otros, que si que están listos para usar, puedes buscarlos aquí en la comunidad o en el play store)
De todas formas, si lo quieres usar debes
Meterlo en la carpeta Lightning Launcher de la memoria
Ir a la configuración del launcher, backup restore or export
Te debería salir el archivo, le das click y aceptas.
Sin embargo te dará errores en algunos scripts, es lo que digo que hay que cambiar, pero no es sencillo si no sabes donde mirar.
Si puedes llegar hasta aquí (que funcione con errores) dímelo y te daré instrucciones específicas de como solucionarlo.
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TrianguloY Muchas gracias, hago todos los pasos que indicas. cuando instalo tu template no sale nada, solo una pantalla en negro…y ahí me he quedado , que no se por donde continuar.
Se que es un poco complicado y si yo encima no se por donde continuar te entiendo.
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Mira a ver no estés en otro escritorio
Puedes verlo en ajustes, configure desktops; o deslizando con dos dedos a derecha/izquierda
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TrianguloY ok, voy a comprobar
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Please I have these 2 posts what to do:
At line 70: TypeError: Cannot call method “setImage” of null ([personal] material scrolling#70).
At line 17: TypeError: Cannot call method “getProperties” of null ([personal] random color background#17) on Galaxy S4, thank you….
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You need to follow the instructions I leave in the original post, find the id of the container and set it in the script
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For the second error…did you removed or changed the name of the items? Make sure there is one named ‘bar’ and another one named ‘background’ in the main container
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Can you give me the link…thank
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Try to redownload the file, I modified it and now it should work without changes
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Thank you….
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Error 70 missing? THANK
Always error 17, please…
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patrice pirouli really strange
If you long click in the background in the pain page and go to edit, make sure that
1) the item in the background is named ‘background’
2) the item at the top is named ‘bar’
(both item are the ones with a color)
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This is page widget to escritorio escritorio or aplicaciones to the script displays ???
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Err, I don’t understand your comment long click where the ‘click effect’ item is
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Can you please share the script for the hamburger button transforming to the back arrow?
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Go into Ren Shore’s profile and click the first post.
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TrianguloY It works I redid the installation, you are a leader++++
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Please, what is a click effect???
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patrice pirouli
Click effect is how I named the script which makes that ‘circle’ effect when clicking the items in the main page (and in the lateral bar)
If you are referring to the item labeled that…it was a ‘do nothing’ shortcut bigger that the other to show better that effect in the video…
…but I forgot >_<
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Could you please provide a list on what each script can do in that template? im confused on which does which. thanks :)
*the coolest ones btw are the Background color change and the Page indicator zoom 🙂
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I hoped that the name was self descriptive, but I already wrote a list in the original post, but
– Random background color (sets a random color in both the item as background and the item at top)
– Page indicator with label zoom (& Ren’s lateral bar script) both in the same one named scrolling…if I’m not wrong. It rotates the arrow, the zoom in the labels and the indicator bar.
– Widgets columns (sets the widgets in a column list with animations)
– Always-top indicator (already published)
– Click effect (the circles animation when clicking items)
– Reset position when going back & Reset desktop when exit (the same script, reset the container and all subcontainers)
Anyway, better if you ask a more specific question.
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I have successfully remade the ‘Menu button that turns into an arrow’, along with the panel that has a item name of ‘panel’ and the background that changes transparency (when you move the panel) that has a name of ‘parallax’. 🙂
however, i did not manage to recreate the ”horizontal bar with the label zoom”. at first i tried to copy all the properties of each item. so i made shortcuts and renamed them to ‘left, middle and right’, and then i also pinned them. i also made a ‘shortcut’ which i turned into a bar that looks like a page indicator. i also named that parallax bcoz the bar in the panel ‘escritio principal’ was also named ‘parallax’. i also pinned that bar. Then when i execute the script on the panel that i created containing those items, nothing happens. Sometimes, nothing just happens. sometimes an error in line 49 occurs. i dont know.
— i already solved the problems 🙂 the solution was real simple. I only had to DETACH the labels and the horizontal bar! wow. so hard finding it.
Now, my problem is the background color.. it cant call method ‘getProperty’ of the item ‘bar’..
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okay so my last problem.. I successfully made 2 item named ‘bar and background’. However those 2 items wont change colors even after applying the script. even after, unlocking the phone. is there anotger script involved in the background color changing? bcoz it doesnt change.
SOLVED — i had to run script on resume 🙂 thanks for the scripts!!! 🙂 (and sorry for too much comment editing.)
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Will this be released soon? Or could I be an early adopter/tester?
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The Original Mèêk the template is released, it is at the bottom of the original post. It is not full-ready to use, but it is there if you want
The scripts showed will be released in the future too, don’t know when.
But, if you want a template with just ‘download and enjoy’ …I’m afraid but I’ll never make it. My specialty are the scripts, not templates. In fact this is my personal screen, I made it to adapt my preferences, I provided a template because some people asked for it.
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Im using the labels part of your script as part of my own horizontal scroll indicator, and i’ve got this error … ReferenceError: “p” is not defined.
Where do i define “p” within my desktop ?
I’ve looked yours installed on my old phone and i cant see how you defined “p” ?
Thanks 🙂
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Depends on how you cut the script. p is defined if the container is not the desktop as the page you are (the x position divided by the width)
Paste your edited code here and I’ll take a look