This is the ui I’ve been running.

This is the ui I’ve been running. I made it 4 months ago after seeing a similar theme for the iPhone. Took me awhile, but huge thanks to LL for making it possible. I have a banner that scrolls up/down. I just wish I could make the app icon row (e.g. Phone, Messaging, Camera) scrollable horizontally.

Lightning Launcher rocks.

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11 Commentsto This is the ui I’ve been running.

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    really nice would you share the files


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    looks interesting. can you make a video shoot out ? 😉


  3. Anonymous says:

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    Thanks guys. I’ll try to do a quick video tonight. This weekend I’ll try to see how to make an apk of this.


  4. Anonymous says:

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    Looks like much work, but don’t understand why u want ur android to look like apple webpage.


  5. Anonymous says:

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    I liked how clean the interface was. It’s a single page layout that gives me everything I use daily in a visually pleasing ui (IMHO :)) That’s the great thing about Android, right? Infinite customization…


  6. Anonymous says:

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    tee bee because Apple has extremely good designers 😉


  7. Anonymous says:

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    Its possible to make them icons scroll horizontally if you use a folder and change the apps icons to the images you want, only problem is they would only be visible when you tap the folders icon, and setting up a single line of apps scrolling horizontally in a folder is pretty tricky IMO, even with scrolling set to horizontal only it still scrolls vertically :/ its definately possible though because i did it before just takes some doing.


  8. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Thanks a lot Jay. I’ll have to give some thought to your suggestion, definitely appreciate it though.


  9. Anonymous says:

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    if everything else was pinned so it only scrolled vert you can have th app icon row scrolling hori


  10. Anonymous says:

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    Thanks, Klyntone. Everything on the topmost layer is pinned except for the second layer that floats underneath (the banner layer with Starbucks, Gmail, etc) that scrolls vertically. So, I need to be able to have the Phone/Messages/Camera row on a horizontal scroll plane that can move without forcing my other banner layer to move with it. I might have to do what Jay suggests unless LL allows for multiple layers (like Photoshop) that can each scroll independently. Is that possible with the latest LL version?


  11. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Hmm.. Top layer (layer 1) has 2 empty spaces where horizontal icons can show through and vertical banner can show. Middle layer (layer 2) has horizontal icons peeking through top layer 1. Bottom layer (layer 3) has vertical banner peeking through top layer 1 and when scrolling vertically, moves underneath layer 2 which doesn’t care anyways. Guys, that would actually work, wouldn’t it?


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