Anyone experience not being able to customize the app drawers action bar?

Anyone experience not being able to customize the app drawers action bar? No matter what color I try to apply or even making it transparent, isn’t working for me.

22 Commentsto Anyone experience not being able to customize the app drawers action bar?

  1. You can only change the text color of the action bar. To change the bar color, I set the background image to a solid-colored image, I’m currently using one from the Google+ app for my app drawer.

  2. Abimael says:

    Carolyn Boyle I’ve always been able to make the action bar transparent. Today I notcied I can’t anymore.

  3. Abimael says:

    Chris Chastain Do you have xposed installed?

  4. No. Wish I could root this phone.

    I have no problem changing text color or bar color. or making it transparent for that matter.

  5. Abimael says:

    Chris Chastain Thanks. That’s the only new thing I’ve done. Add Xposed. Not sure if it’s interfering somewhere.

  6. Don’t know… What modules did you install?

  7. Abimael says:

    Not much at all. Gravity Box, YouTube background play, flat style bar indicators and flat style colored keyboard. Just got done checking my modules and testing it with them off. It’s not xposed. Not sure what happened.

  8. TrianguloY says:

    What do you mean with ‘I can set it transparent’? Can you set it to another color? When you set it to transparent the current color isn’t changed?

    Could be that the background isn’t big enough to be placed under the bar, and so even when it is transparent you still see it black? Try changing the background or setting it to fit width and height

  9. Abimael says:

    TrianguloY​​ What are you talking about; background isn’t big enough to be placed under the bar?

    My issue is, I can’t customize the app drawers action bar to whatever color I want. For some reason, it doesn’t work anymore for me. 

  10. There DOES seem to be something a little buggy with it anyway. I can change the color, but when returning to the color change screen, it always shows full opaque, pure white, no matter what color it currently is.

  11. Abimael says:

    Chris Chastain Yup. Same here. That’s what I’m noticing too.

    My action bar remaina that orange red color. Can’t do anything.

  12. TrianguloY says:

    The issue of showing always pure white when selecting a color is because when you choose a color, that color is not saved. Instead it is saved a 1×1 image with the only pixel set to that color (Note to Pierre Hébert​: maybe in this case, if the previous image is a 1×1 one, you can get it’s color and initialize the color picker with it)

    About the bar: what if you try to set an image? Does it works? 

  13. TrianguloY didn’t know that!

    I bet he has a solid color image of his own set.

  14. I suggest to set an image and exit, without selecting one, and THEN try to set color.

  15. Abimael says:

    You guys lost me — I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about lol.

    I’ve never used images.

    Trying that doesn’t work either.

  16. TrianguloY says:

    Android version?

    Device model?

  17. Abimael Rox Lamboy is it the default orange/red color now?

  18. Abimael says:

    TrianguloY Marshmallow, Nexus 5.

    I’m gonna flash back to an old back up and test it out it there where it was working.

  19. Abimael says:

    Chris Chastain​​ It is. Homescreen customization to the nav bar and status bar are fine.

  20. TrianguloY says:


    You should have said that in your first sentence. That’s a new version, and it is normal to have bugs.

    Pierre Hébert​

  21. Abimael says:

    TrianguloY​ Lol my apologies. Thanks man! Lol

    It was working on Cataclysm MM but the stock factory image; I guess not.

    Again, thanks and sorry haha.

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