min+ for Kustom with Lightning Launcher

Originally shared by gerd reuter (werksmannschaft)

min+ for Kustom with Lightning Launcher

3 pages horizontal +1  pages vertical for notifications

Works with or without Statusbar/SoftKeys

I used a grid with 8 Cols and 12 Rows.

A lot of Globals to customize.

Colored notifications shown for:

Whatsapp, TypeApp, GMail, Hangouts, Phone.

If you use other apps please adjust by yourself (globals).

Should work with other launchers which can vertical scroll.. 

Wall from G+



Will be available soon for free:



10 Commentsto min+ for Kustom with Lightning Launcher

  1. Anonymous says:

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    How is this possible with kustom


  2. Anonymous says:

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    Saad Thahim if you know what to do it’s “easy” and try, try, try 😉


  3. Anonymous says:

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    It looks awesome.


  4. Anonymous says:

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    Saad Thahim thank you 😀


  5. Anonymous says:

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    gerd reuter amazing work again! Can I ask a favour, could you just do a tutorial on how you create some of your screens? Doesn’t have to be an elaborate screen just your process of doing it. Thanks.


  6. Anonymous says:

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    H Tuttle thank you 😉

    my process of doing scrren like this is:

    i have an idea. a picture which i saw, or a font, or a new function in kustom or LL.  sometimes i get inspired by others work too.

    then i start prototyping. and the result is often very different from what I initially thought.

    is that what you wanted to know or do you mean the technical stuff?


  7. Anonymous says:

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    gerd reuter a bit of both, your style is a clean minimalist style, which I appreciate! But on the technical side your animations are really complex( or seem to be).

    Thanks again!


  8. Anonymous says:

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    H Tuttle technical stuff is very often

    try and error, try and error, try, try, try

    in this case here it’s klwp technic.

    it is not explained in a few words , you have to familiarize yourself with the matter.


  9. Anonymous says:

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    gerd reuter sad part is I was just getting decent at Zooper, I’ve started playing with KWGT just for the maps and work my way up, to KLWP!


  10. Anonymous says:

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    H Tuttle zooper is out of date ;-(


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