Hello World!
Hello World!
I don’t have LLx (yet) but I want to know if there’s a way to randomly select a wallpaper in a selected folder?
And change it automatically each “n” hours or depending on location/local time/ etc.?
Thanks for your help
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it’s for master of script TrianguloY
I think the answer is Yes.
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Think lukas already has 1 check the wiki
With scripts pretty much anything is possible.
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Jay M in a folder ? I think Lukas did for the walpaper of a desktop (but it’s very near)
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I (of course) already dig in wiki and scripts repository (http://www.lightninglauncher.com/wiki/doku.php?id=script_repository) but didn’t find anything about select/apply a wallpaper automagically.
Maybe there is another place I missed Jay M ?
Anyway, thanks for your help (including Bruno-Isa LAMOUR-ARNOULD).
PS : I don’t need to change it in a folder (atm). I asked about desktop wallpaper.
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Bruno-Isa LAMOUR-ARNOULD Not sure it was posted ages ago you could be right might of even been a custom view.
Lionel SANCHEZ Might just be buried in the community mate try a search, theres a lot of scripts posted that dont get uploaded to the script repository, you can use this app for quickly searching the repo btw, i dont no if it works without LL installed though i think you can probably browse the scripts but not import them.
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Jay M : Thanks for the tip. Without LLx installed this application hangs on startup then basically seems to browse the repository which I gave the link above …
I tried searching in the community “Scripts” directory but still don’t find anything related to setting/changing Wallpapers (I probably don’t dig enough).
EDIT : I found this discussion : https://plus.google.com/u/0/103306630954531427628/posts/4ztdDwTTDFC . That doesn’t seem as easy as expected (but manageable). Maybe things have changed since last year …
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Search for slideshow
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Thanks a lot, I didn’t use this keyword.
I think I have to be more familiar with desktops/panels and others LLx concepts first but this script seems to be the one I was looking for.
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Lionel SANCHEZ check MultiTool from Lukas Morawietz Many intetesting things in. On playstore