Hoping someone has a solution for me here.

Hoping someone has a solution for me here. Trying to use lightning launcher to create a rotatable home screen using the rotate options on each element (rather than having the launcher actually rotate). Everything works fine, but my only problem is my wallpaper. Does anyone know of a way (open to anything. scripting, random little-known live wallpaper apps, etc.) to configure my device so that I can use two entirely different images, positioned independently (I want to have each image offset and scaled differently) for portrait and landscape. The catch is that it has to depend on the sensor, and not the actual software rotation, as that is locked.


7 Commentsto Hoping someone has a solution for me here.

  1. Anonymous says:

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    It’s a bit difficult to explain so let me know if you need any clarification.


  2. Anonymous says:

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    What about placing both images as the normal background of two items, and place them where you want?


  3. Anonymous says:

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    So the problem is I’m NOT using launcher rotation, so I can’t pick two different locations for items to be in depending on orientation. I’m trying to use ONLY the “rotation” option in the “misc” section of item properties. That doesn’t actually trigger a software orientation change. it only rotates the elements depending on the orientation of the phone.

    I was able to find a LWP app on the play store that lets me separately position, crop, and scale two different images and switch between them depending on software orientation, but that’s the problem: It depends on software orientation. I’m wondering if anyone knows of a similar app that can do it based entirely on the sensor only (even with software orientation locked), OR if there’s a lightning based solution.

    Rant incoming

    For some background information:

    This is all in my pursuit of a launcher that rotates “properly” (as I think it should be). I think it’s absolutely stupid that the standard has evolved and been adopted by 99% of launchers that if you’re using an X columns by Y rows grid in portrait mode, the logical landscape configuration is also X columns by Y rows. To be honest, I don’t like how Lightning handles it either (if you use the actual launcher orientation feature). Its default behavior (unless you dual position everything) is to separate the grid from your phone’s rotation (the grid stays oriented the same way, while what actually rotates is your visible selection of the grid). My ideal launcher is where the entire grid rotates relative to your phone (item positions are constant relative to your physical device) and each element simply rotates to fit the orientation instead. I know this has some issues (namely skinny/long widgets), but those can be handled on a case by case basis (my ideal launcher would simply allow me to switch those out on rotation with custom built widgets that perform the same functions but are arranged differently, but I digress).

    Taking all of the above into account Lightning’s option to rotate items on the screen is the CLOSEST I’ve found to my ideal launcher. The ONLY exception being the wallpaper orientation issue (the wallpaper can’t rotate because the app itself is not actually rotating). I actually don’t want two separate images entirely in portrait and landscape. It’s just that I have images that work as wallpapers in either orientations, but only if positioned and scaled correctly in each. Using the other play store app I mentioned above, I was able to accomplish this just by selecting the same image twice, and positioning each one differently for each orientation, hence the wording of my original post.

    Rant over

    I appreciate anyone who actually read all that. Moreover, I’m interested to see if anyone else agrees with me on this, and has looked for (or found?!) a solution. Thanks!


  4. Anonymous says:

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    TrianguloY I was able to come up with a “solution” but it’s glitchy af. I made a live wallpaper using another desktop (using the paid live wallpaper tool for lightning). It takes advantage of the weird way items rotate if they’re aligned to the side within margins much larger than the actual item. I basically have one version of the image static on the screen, and three “shutters” that flip over it depending on the orientation.

    The only problem is that when those shutters rotate into place, they don’t always rotate completely to the correct position. I made a bug report about this here: https://plus.google.com/+JoonilOh/posts/Bff2F9At9vr


  5. Anonymous says:

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    Oh, that’s similar to the thing I was going to propose, but I wasn’t unaware of that bug 🙁

    Anyway I had it written, so here it is.


    I see, I understand.

    What you want probably can be achieved with scripts, not an easy task I’m afraid, however there is a ‘crazy’ solution you can try:

    Place the image you want while in horizontal as the background wallpaper (you’ll need to rotate it, or place it as the background of an item and rotate the item, etc)

    Place the image you want while in vertical as the normal background of an item. But, edit the image so it is three times as high, filling with black for example (so you have a vertical image where the bottom third is your actual image). Set that item to rotate and place it occupying the home page and the two above.

    When you rotate, the image will disappear from the home page.


  6. Anonymous says:

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    TrianguloY The problem with this method is that it’s VERY resource intensive. If software orientation were triggered properly, it’d be a simple matter of one live wallpaper app assigning images rather than having 3 mega sized items shifting all over the place.

    Honestly, there is one “simple” solution (this starts pushing into feature request territory)… Implement an option to have launcher rotation with full grid rotation as well. Example. I have a 5 column x 8 row home screen in portrait mode with 3 pages tiled horizontally and a 1 row dock at the bottom. Total grid area is 15 columns by 8 (+1) rows. When I rotate the phone counterclockwise, the entire grid rotates as well, preserving the positions of items. In this orientation I would then have a 8 (+1 column vertical dock on the right side) column by 15 row grid consisting of 3x 8 column by 5 row pages tiled vertically. Rotate again and you’re at a 8 (+1 dock at the top) row by 15 column grid again (with 3x pages horizontally at 5 columns a page), and rotate once more and you have a 8 (+1 column vertical dock on the LEFT side this time) column by 15 row grid again. This would be sort of a hybrid of the existing rotation option as well as the full launcher rotate. It would actually trigger software orientation changes so that wallpapers would properly rotate, but allow for sensible grid rotations without having to dual place every item..


  7. Anonymous says:

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    I’m honestly surprised that I haven’t found a SINGLE launcher that behaves this way. I can’t be the only one who feels that rotation is poorly implemented on just about every launcher out there.


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