Noob question, how do i copy and paste a folder?

Noob question, how do i copy and paste a folder? I have 3 different launchers set up to display depending on whether I’m at home, work or driving.

I have a Messaging folder set up to look and act like my SMS app, except it does other things with gestures. I want to copy it into one of my other homescreens.

I have tried to go into folder settings and copying the style then making a new folder and setting it to the saved style. Nothing happened.


2 Commentsto Noob question, how do i copy and paste a folder?

  1. Anonymous says:

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    Shortcut, lightning action, open a folder.

    If you plan to have a lot of ‘openers’ doing the same in different desktops the best is to make another empty desktop with only the folders, and copy those shortcuts where you want. Otherwise just leave the folder in the main desktop and make shortcuts.


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    I never even thought of doing that, thanks. I ended up just customizing the gestures associated with the text messaging app so that it does exactly what the “folder” does on the other screen.


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