in a script started on “Position Changed” event.. how to do some actions when the position isn’t changing anymore ?
in a script started on “Position Changed” event.. how to do some actions when the position isn’t changing anymore ?
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using a timer
see setTimeout
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but it doesn’t know when the touch input will end…. we can’t hard code a duration
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we can. i did
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You are not helping me…. how?
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Have a look at this. I wrote that some time ago.
var e=LL.getEvent();
var c=e.getContainer();
var sessiontoken;
function f()
//do something when events finished
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Thanks, can you do a pastebin, because here the indentation are… **_**
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I just simplified it now…
If you want indentation either use my Autoformat tool or do it manually, because I don’t use it.
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By the way, clearTimeout is finally available, it will help the implementation of this kind of stuff.
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Don’t know how, but thanks ^^
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The idea is to set a timeout on each position change event, and clear it on next event. This way (not tested):
if(id in self) clearTimeout(id);
id = setTimeout(do_something, 200);
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aaah ok,thanks !