Binding is great. But for my OpenWeatherMap I bound weather-data to self.
Binding is great. But for my OpenWeatherMap I bound weather-data to self.
How do I ‘bind’ self.own.current.wind.deg ?
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In bindings, variables are not JavaScript variables. They are launcher specific data. You can use JavaScript in bindings expressions to compute a value, but modifying a JS variable in a script engine won’t trigger a binding update. These are two separate things, although you can use LL.getVariables() to access variables from script.
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Got it.. with auto update ‘hack’
in the ‘classic’-script I added:
. LL.setVariableString(“owm”, repl);
as ‘bind’-script i have:
. var dum = $ll_minute;
. return JSON.parse($owm).wind.deg
(used point to ‘tab’ code-lines)
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Pierre Hébert okay, in cpu% per second this would be bad.
But if i retreive a big json-object with weather-data every half hour, from normal script.
Would the above be a bad binding-script?