What is the working, not deprecated alternative for below code?
What is the working, not deprecated alternative for below code?
function ClearList(item) {
var Ritems = item.getItems();
for (var j = 0; j < Ritems.getLength(); j++) {
My guess was:
function ClearList(item) {
var Ritems = item.getAllItems();
for (var j = 1; j <= Ritems.length; j++) {
But the “removeItem” throws an error 🙁
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I guess the error is OutOfBoundsException ? It should start at 0 and end at length-1 as with the Array object.
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Well…. Today it is… After a phone restart.
There’s some kind of version caching going on.
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About depricaton:
getItems –> getAllItems
getAllBinding –> getBindings
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Yes I know, but I couldn’t rename methods to make them coherent as it would have break compatibility with existing scripts 🙁