What is the best way to retrieve a LL variable value from Tasker?
What is the best way to retrieve a LL variable value from Tasker? Or alternatively, to retrieve a Tasker variable from LL script (without invoking Tasker)?
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See the link for Lightning Launcher to Tasker (variable, tasks…).
lightninglauncher.com – working_with_tasker [Lightning Launcher]
From the Tasker side I know you can set an LL variable using Plugin -> Lightning Launcher -> Lightning Variable. I have not done it myself, but I would start there.
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see below for my Tasker “class”
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/*Tasker Class
About the script
Purpose: This is a script with useful Tasker functions.
Author: jorgepr13
How to use it:
1. Single variables
change %My_Var with the varaible that you need, and the value with the value that you need
setTaskerVariable(“%My_Var”, value);
2. Multiple variables
3. Optional
You can have your Tasker “class” as an individual script and “import” it with the following code.
try {eval(getScriptByName(“class_Tasker”).getText());} catch (e) {bindClass(“android.widget.Toast”);Toast.makeText(getActiveScreen().getContext(), “One of the required scripts couldn’t be loaded.\nPlease try again.\n\n” + e, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); return null;}
Where “class_Tasker” is the name of the script.
runTaskerTask(name, wait)
“name” is the task name
“wait” is the boolean to wait for the task completion
* References *
var context = getActiveScreen().getContext();
//typeoff return: ‘Array, Object, String, Date, RegExp, Function, Boolean, Number, Null, Undefined’
function typeoff(elem) {return Object.prototype.toString.call(elem).split(/\W/)[2].toLowerCase()};
function emptyVariable(myVar) {return myVar == null || myVar == undefined || myVar == “”;}
function showToast(myMsg, longDuration) {if (!emptyVariable(myMsg)) {var mDuration = Toast.LENGTH_SHORT; if (emptyVariable(longDuration) || typeoff(longDuration) != “boolean”) {longDuration = false;} if (longDuration) {mDuration = Toast.LENGTH_LONG;} Toast.makeText(context, myMsg, mDuration).show();}}
var taskerStatus = TaskerIntent.testStatus(context);
function runTaskerTask(name, wait) {
if (taskerStatus != “OK”) {
showToast(“Tasker status: ” + taskerStatus); return null;
} else {
if (emptyVariable(name)) {return null;}
if (emptyVariable(wait)) {wait = true;}
if (typeoff(wait) != “boolean”) {wait = true;}
sendTaskerIntent(new TaskerIntent(name), wait);
//setTaskerVariable(“%SCREEN_FILTER”, 1);
function setTaskerVariable(name, value){
if (taskerStatus != “OK”) {
showToast(“Tasker status: ” + taskerStatus); return null;
} else {
if (emptyVariable(name)) {return null;}
if (emptyVariable(value) && value != “”) {return null;}
value = value.toString();
var i = new TaskerIntent(“Set_Var”);
i.addArg(false);//”Recurse Variables”
i.addArg(false);//”Do Maths”
sendTaskerIntent(i, true);//true = wait for task completion
//test data
var tVar = [“%BLUE”,”%LOCN”,”%AIR”,”%LOC”,”%SCREEN”,”%WIFI”,”%GPS”];
var tVar = “%BLUE”;
var value = getTaskerVariable(tVar);
//Show the results
var msg = “”;
if (typeoff(tVar) == “string”) {var tVar = [tVar];}
for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {msg += tVar[i] + ": " + value[i] + "\n";}
function getTaskerVariable(taskerVar) {
var typeStr = false;
if (emptyVariable(taskerVar)) {return null;}
if (typeoff(taskerVar) != “array” && typeoff(taskerVar) != “string”) {return null;}
if (typeoff(taskerVar) == “string”) {taskerVar = [taskerVar]; typeStr = true;}
// Configuration
var intent = [“net.tasker.SHARE_VAR”];
var taskerTask = “Tasker Share Variable”;
// End Configuration
//”value” is set to null and “key” is set to “var_0”, “var_1”,… matching the taskerVar length
var key = []; var value = []; for (var i = 0; i < taskerVar.length; i++) {key.push("var_" + i); value.push(null);}
//Tasker Status is check, no need to perform any Tasker process if Tasker is not enabled
//–for some reason “TaskerIntent.Status.OK” don’t works for me, but the string check does
if (taskerStatus != “OK”) {
showToast(“Tasker status: ” + taskerStatus);
if (typeStr) {return value[0];} else {return value;}
} else {
//bind the classes
//The Broadcast Receiver is set, based on the intent/s provided
//–more than one intent can be set to be received, but we are only sending the first one, and expecting to receive the same back
//Once the intent is received, the keys are checked and the value is retrieved
//–if the value retrieved matches the literal variable (%LOCN was asked and %LOCN was received, instead of a lat,lon), then the value gets reset to the default (null)
//–the receiver gets closed when the lastKey is matched
var receiver = new JavaAdapter(BroadcastReceiver, {
onReceive:function(c, i) { //context, intent //android.content.ContextWrapper
var lastKey = 0;
var e = i.getExtras();
for (var i = 0; i < key.length; i++) {
if (e.containsKey(key[i])) {value[i] = e.get(key[i]); lastKey = i;}
if (value[i] == taskerVar[i]) {value[i] = null;}
if (lastKey == key.length) {try {if (receiver != null) {context.unregisterReceiver(receiver);}} catch (e) {}}
context.registerReceiver(receiver, new IntentFilter(intent[0]));
/*//Code to register multiple intents
var f = new IntentFilter();
for (var i = 0; i < intent.length; i++) {f.addAction(intent[i]);}
context.registerReceiver(receiver, f);
//The key:value pairs are combined and stored in the extra array
//Since Tasker can send only 3 extras at a time, the length of the taskerVar is checked against a multiple of 3, and the extra array gets filled with a key and no variable request
//–filling the extras is done to prevent calling an undeclared index, when we use extra[j+1], extra[j+2]
var extra = [];
var len = Math.min(key.length, taskerVar.length);
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {extra.push(key[i] + ":" + taskerVar[i]);}
for (var i = 0; i < (2-(len-1)%3); i++) {extra.push("abc_" + i + ":abc");}
for (var j = 0; j < key.length; j+=3) {
//The “on the fly” code contains a different task name to prevent Tasker ignoring the next task sent and therefore not getting the requested variables
//It also contains a wait action, needed to allow the Broadcast Receiver get the intent and process it
//–I tried to do a setTimeout and LL froze every time
//A send intent is attempted “on the fly”
//–it keeps failing for me, so a perform task “on the fly” does the trick
//not working; Broadcast Error: Failed to execute broadcast Task
var i = new TaskerIntent(“share_variable_value”+j);
i.addArg(0);//”Cat”: 0=”None”, 1=”Default”, 2=”Alt”, 3=”Browsable”, 4=”Car Dock”, 5=”Desk Dock”, 6=”Home”, 7=”Info”, 8=”Launcher”, 9=”Preference”, 10=”Selected Alt”, 11=”Tab”, 12=”Test”, 13=”Cardboard”
i.addArg(“”);//”Mime Type”
i.addArg(extra[j + 0]);//”Extra1″
i.addArg(extra[j + 1]);//”Extra2″
i.addArg(extra[j + 2]);//”Extra”
i.addArg(0);//”Target”0=”Broadcast Receiver”, 1=”Activity”, 2=”Service”
sendTaskerIntent(i, true);//true=wait for task completion
//A perform task is attempted “on the fly”
//–this requires a task to be made in Tasker, containing:
//1. Stop, if %par1 and %par2 aren’t set
//2. Set variable “extra” to %par2
//3. Variable split %extra with “=:=” splitter
// –the splitter can be changed, but it must match the extra joiner, using a comma is not recommended because of some Tasker variables return CSV
//4. Send intent, action = %par1, extras = %extra(1), %extra(2), %extra(3), target = Broadcast Receiver
var i = new TaskerIntent(“share_variable_value” + j);
i.addArg(“”);//”Return Value Variable”
sendTaskerIntent(i, true);//true=wait for task completion
extra.splice(0, 3);//remove the sent requests
}//end for – 3 var at a time
//Try to stop the receiver again, if for some reason the intent wasn’t received and was not stopped at that time
try {if (receiver != null) {context.unregisterReceiver(receiver);}} catch (e) {}
}//end if – Tasker status check
if (typeStr) {return value[0];} else {return value;}
}//end func getTaskerVariable
lightninglauncher.com – script_music_metadata [Lightning Launcher]