I have an issue with stop points, it happens about daily, and I don’t know if it is configuration or a bug.

I have an issue with stop points, it happens about daily, and I don’t know if it is configuration or a bug.

This is my setting:

The green M is the main screen, optically sticky, in center. The pink L on the left can be pulled to the right, “over” M. The blue T on top can be pulled down, “over” M. The right yellow one also “over” M, to the left. All will go back to ‘their’ position when swiping to their direction. This is working fine, as I want it to work.

Anyway, about once a day it happens that the screen jumps to the top left corner (see 2nd screenshot), where it should never go. This usually happens if I want to start an app which is in the red marked bottom left corner of M. I cannot reproduce it on request, but it happens by accident again and again.

Stop points settings are:

1: stop scroll, stop pull, barriere. from left to right, top to bottom. corner left, top. Geometry: grid

2: stop scroll, stop pull, barriere. from right to left. corner left, right. Geometry: left 0, top -1

3: stop scroll, stop pull, bounce. from bottom to top. corner top. Geometry: top 0

4: stop scroll, stop pull, barriere, bounce. from top top bottom. corner bottom.

Is it already too much configuration confusing LLx? As mentioned before if I pull any directions manually it’s working perfect. Just when I tap on the main screen it jumps to top left, and is stuck there.

Any thoughts on this are very welcome!

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12 Commentsto I have an issue with stop points, it happens about daily, and I don’t know if it is configuration or a bug.

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    I guess #4 and #1 are the problem.

    When you say ‘bounce’ do you mean ‘snap’ ?


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Changed to English now, yes it’s called ‘snapping’ there.


  3. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    What that setting do is continue moving the desktop until it reaches the stop point if you start the scroll.

    Sometimes when you click if you move the finger a bit it is detected as if you started scrolling, so really small movements could start moving the desktop if there is a snapping stop point.

    Try to disable that and see if still happen. #1 don’t have that setting so I don’t know why (at the bottom there is another one…and also under #2, maybe one of those have the snapping enabled)

    Anyway, just a possible fix suggestion, could be or not the problem but you can try.


  4. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Double-checked now, 1+2 do not have snapping activated, 3+4 do.

    I deactivated snapping now for 4.

    If I deactivate snapping for 3 it is almost impossible to slide T back to the top, it will always come back down a few pixels and remain in the area of M.

    The left bottom stop-point underneath 1 has settings like 1, to prevent scrolling below L.

    I’ll try a few days without snapping for 3 to see if it happens again.

    Anyway it would be much more nice if T would slide down and snap in when it’s down. Now it will stop moving where ever I lift my finger.

    Thanks so far, TrianguloY!


  5. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    But, what I still do not understand: how can it happen that this area of the screen  gets in focus by accident but not on purpose? The stop points should prevent this section do get displayed, as they do properly if I try to move there manually.


  6. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    You can’t scroll left and then up, nor up and then left.

    But, you can scroll diagonally.

    If you have the diagonal scrolling disabled (which I suppose) you can’t manually, but sometimes with snapping stop points it is possible.

    Another way is to start scrolling left, and before the stop point is reached scroll up. You need to be really fast but it’s possible.


  7. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Yes, as you describe; and yes diagonally disabled.

    I tried to be really fast right now but it seems I’m not 😉

    So if I understand correctly it will scroll up in the moment immediately before or when 1 is reached but not evaluated yet.

    Then a solution could be to add ‘from top to bottom’ to 2 as well, I will give this a try.


  8. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Before the stop point is reached, the trick is to try to scroll up before #1 is activated. If you disable the snapping is really easy (just scroll, stop in the middle, scroll up 😛 )


  9. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    I will try harder to achieve what should not be possible 😉

    Well yes it’s working like you describe with no snapping. But do you now what is happening now? If I scroll it down, not too fast and not too slow but quite slow, it will not stop at the stop point but just continue scrolling below the scroll point. And the screen is on a position where it should not be – it’s just creeping over the barriere..


  10. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Set those stop points to ‘desktop wide’

    Now you will need to guess what does that 😉


  11. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Just set #4 to desktop-wide, still possible to scroll down over the stop point, but only if you find the right speed for it.

    For my understanding: if I set 4 to barriere with corner bottom, it should not be possible that 4 gets out of the screen on the bottom, right?


  12. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Desktop-wide means that it will act even if it’s outside of the screen (otherwise it won’t)

    Barrier means that you won’t be able to scroll past it

    Both will make the available screen ‘shorter’ … But you know stop points are not always 100% ;)


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