Is there a way I can use the dots page indicator but have the internal colour change depending on which screen is…
Is there a way I can use the dots page indicator but have the internal colour change depending on which screen is showing. Thanks in advance
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Tried it with tryanguloy ‘s interpolation script. Playing with more than 1 page indicator on different pages and use Alpha on the page indicator to not show on specific page.
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Or through a script: use the position change event and compute the current page this way:
var c = LL.getEvent().getContainer();
var page_x = c.getPositionX()/c.getWidth();
According to the page index you can then set the dots inner color:
var page_indicator = c.getItemByName(‘your_pi_name_here”);
page_indicator.getProperties().edit().setInteger(“p.dotsInnerColor”, some_color).commit();
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Thats probably a better and faster way. Thanks Pierre Hébert
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Just a different way, but animations using TrianguloY script open a lot of perspectives.
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Thanks Pierre Hébert thanks Evelien Wijbenga will give this a try.