Hi, first sorry for my bad english.

Hi, first sorry for my bad english. I have a question, it is possible to put a LL text in a Tasker variable. So that i can touch a text (word) in LL and fill a variable with this text in Tasker.

And now in German ….

Ich möchte gerne in Lightning Launcher einen Button drücken und der Text dieses Button soll dann in eine Tasker Variable geschrieben werden, geht das?



One Commentto Hi, first sorry for my bad english.

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Add a “Lightning Action” to your desktop and select “Run a script”. In the script, use LL.sendTaskerIntent, for instance like this:

    LL.sendTaskerIntent(new TaskerIntent(“MyTask”), false);

    Additional data can be passed through the TaskerIntent (sample here: http://www.lightninglauncher.com/wiki/doku.php?id=working_with_tasker#requesting_tasker_to_execute_a_task_on_the_fly)

    In the script you can get the text of the touched item using LL.getEvent().getItem().getLabel().

    In Tasker you may create a task  that will use the data and set the variable accordingly, or call it on the fly using the TaskerIntent mentioned above..


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