I’ve been using LL for a couple of months now and am used to most of its features and quirks.

I’ve been using LL for a couple of months now and am used to most of its features and quirks.

One detail, however, is still evading me. I assumed that if I just kept using LL, it would eventually dawn on me how the feature is supposed to work, but that hasn’t happened yet and I’m growing impatient.

Anyway, here’s the problem: Every time I create a new folder, it’s not styled the way I want it to be. I have to go to a previously created folder, copy its style to the clipboard, and then paste that style into the new folder.

Alternatively, I can save a named style from a previous folder and then load that style into the new folder.

However, all of this feels very awkward. Shouldn’t this just work without copying styles around?

How do I get my newly created folders to inherit globally defined folder properties? The Folder settings screen doesn’t contain settings for all of the folder properties that can be defined, so I’ve been wondering for a couple of months now how this is supposed to be done.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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6 Commentsto I’ve been using LL for a couple of months now and am used to most of its features and quirks.

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    You are doing it correctly.


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Really? It feels like a workaround and is certainly not efficient.

    Newly created folders should look the way the user wants them to as soon as they are instantiated. It shouldn’t be necessary to copy styles around. There ought to be a global folder style that all newly created folders inherit from.

    As it is now, I have to manually configure each new folder’s icon to have a semi-transparent background. Then I have to copy a style to the folder to shrink the icons, labels and padding of the apps inside.

    There should be a way to set these as defaults.


  3. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Agreed. Maybe in an update.


  4. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    I do like the power that LL offers. It makes the impossible (in other launchers) possible, but sometimes at the expense of making the trivial (in other launchers) convoluted. 🙂


  5. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Ian, are alll your folders the same size etc ?Mine vary quite a bit so although i could agree with a new folder taking the properties of the previously created folder, why would you want all folders to have the same exact properties ? If you were to start with your customized version and then wanted to change something you would be doing the same thing in reverse and therefor i think its nice to start with a blank slate, specially given the fact that you can copy/paste styles making it easy to replicate a previous set of settings. If u had to do all of it manually each time i would agree but i like starting from a clean slate each time i create something, because its a lot easier to code or design something than it is to disassemble it and try to keep a little of this and that from a previous design. Something always ends up conflicting when i do that but a i guess the option to set a default couldn’t hurt.


  6. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    No, I have wildly different folders. Some have just 3 or 4 items, whilst others have 20 or more. Some have nested folders, too, and those have slightly different needs again.

    Nevertheless, for my needs, the various folders differ mutually perhaps only 10% in their styling. That’s why I’d rather get the 90% of commonality by default and do only the last 10% myself.

    It comes down to expectations, I suppose. I’m used to folder creation being a 5 second exercise, not a 2 minute one.

    I suppose I could cobble together a script to catch folder creation events and automatically apply the icon and content styling. The only problem with that idea is that I’ve only written a few scripts to date, so it would probably take me a day to come up with 5 lines of code. 🙂

    I’ll probably end up writing the script anyway, sooner or later.


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