Backup: is the Backup from within LL sufficient to restore completely my desktop?
Backup: is the Backup from within LL sufficient to restore completely my desktop? ( I need to reinstall zooper because of an anomalous battery usage from it …)
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i recommend the export
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I had bad zooper battery problems, uninstalled a template I had and problem solved
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Corey Spell
How did you spot the template?
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Well honestly it was jus luck.. It jus happened to be the first one I uninstalled.. And the battery usage dropped from 10 to 1%
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Corey Spell I assume it was a template from the playstore and not one you made, correct?
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Some of the zooper temps load differently from apk. Some just put the files in the templates folder, and others have their own folder. Think the loader was stuck in some kind of loop?
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Must have been.. It was the update service running steadily I know that much