

Could you please send me the data for translated applications Repository importer? I’d like to translate it. Certainly he would have found other people who could translate your application into their primary language.


7 Commentsto TrianguloY

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    “I also thought about translating the whole app, but as it displays the wiki, which is always English, it would look inconsistent.”

    “I also thought about that. Better leave it in English”

    – Excerpt from a conversation between me and TrianguloY


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    I confirm that conversation.

    However I can send you the play store files, that can be translated easily


  3. Anonymous says:

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    Yes, I know. For a long time I thought about it before I raised the question.

    Still, I’d like to do a translation of what will translate.


  4. Anonymous says:

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    Danbar Danbar here you have the current files (In the ‘language files’ folder)

    Just copy the content of the English one, translate it, and send it to me by hangouts, a link here, email…

    Read the readme file too, it contains the maximum characters of each text


  5. Anonymous says:

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    I have translated the texts into Czech, so only those that I have seen physically when using the application. At the texts that I have not seen, I have not translated.

     I think you’re missing some texts on github … (compared to the current version). I try find this text in strings.xml, but not find.


  6. Anonymous says:

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    Sorry Danbar Danbar​, you didn’t understand. We decided to not translate the app for consistency.

    The 80%, more or less, of the app is the repository wiki, which is in English.

    Translating an app is made so users that do not understand the main language can use it, but in this case if you don’t understand English the app is useless, because you won’t be able to follow the scripts instructions.

    That’s why all texts are in English, even the ok,no,exit buttons that can use the device language.

    However, the play store description is different, it is publicly available, so it is fine to translate it, this way users can see what the app is about. The file is the one of the link I posted.

    Hmm, we need to add a translated text ‘this app is available only in English’ in the description Lukas Morawietz​

    Sorry Danbar. (But if in the future the app will be translated you will be the first asked, that’s for sure 🙂


  7. Anonymous says:

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    I understood. Still, I tried it … whether it happens to be used. 😀


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