Anyone have a script that can scroll me to a spot then scroll be back to where I was?
Anyone have a script that can scroll me to a spot then scroll be back to where I was?
(Example: scroll to page 4, then return me to page 1. All on one button.)
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Maybe something like this:
– create a desktop bookmark to your target position
– assign the following script to its on tap event (or any other event)
(not tested, maybe there are syntax errors…)
var item = LL.getEvent().getItem();
var c = LL.getEvent().getContainer();
var t = item.getTag();
if(t) {
var pos = JSON.parse(t);
c.setPosition(pos.x, pos.y);
} else {
item.setTag(JSON.stringify({x:c.getPositionX(), y:c.getPositionY()}));
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var page = -1; //page to jump to
var time = 2 * 1000; //time to stay before returning
var d = LL.getCurrentDesktop();
var ox = d.getPositionX();
var x = d.getWidth() * page;
var y = d.getPositionY();
// go to page
d.setPosition(x, y);
var func = function()
// set return function
d.setPosition(ox, y);
// call return function with a timeout
setTimeout(func, time);
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But what if I don’t want it timed?
Here’s another example. On some of werk’s themes he has a button that will take you to a certain spot, but pushing that same button also returns you to page 1.
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var origin = 0; //page to return to
var page = -1; //page to jump to
var d = LL.getCurrentDesktop();
var ox = d.getWidth() * origin;
var x = d.getWidth() * page;
var y = d.getPositionY();
// go to page
if (d.getPositionX() == ox)
d.setPosition(x, y);
d.setPosition(ox, y);
Edit: did not test it but it should work. Page 0 is the center, negative to the left and positive to the right. Also works with fractional numbers.
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It worked. Thank you so much!