Hi, i made a scrolling pannel, but i only need it to scroll one time.

Hi, i made a scrolling pannel, but i only need it to scroll one time. How can i do to stop it scrolling on an empty area ?


9 Commentsto Hi, i made a scrolling pannel, but i only need it to scroll one time.

  1. I don’t understand what you’re asking, but stop points are used to control and limit scrolling

  2. Also, try select Fit Desktop to Items for that panel. Maybe that will be enough to do what you want

  3. Shouldn’t be scrolling to an empty area, you probably have an item misplaced somewhere in the panel itself… Check hierarchy of the items in the panel to find it.

  4. i tried fit desktop option, it fixed it…for a time only, no idea why it worked at 1st, and now no more. I verified, i got no item misplaced, i only have a single raw of icons, with nothing over it, nothing under it, even when i zoom out, but the panel is scrolling up and down :/

  5. Which way is it supposed to scroll? Horizontal only?

  6. Well, i explain myself badly, let me reformulate.

    I made 2 panels, both of them are scrolling verticaly.

    1st panel scroll verticaly from 1 widget to another widget for the 1st vertical scroll, then it can scroll verticaly again to another widget.

    So 3 raws in total.

    I dont want to use the last widget anymore, so i deleted it.

    But after deleting it, i still can scroll from widget n°2 to the empty area where was widget n°3.

    And for the 2nd panel, it only used 2 widgets, i deleted 1 of them, so this one have a single widget for now.But it can scroll down where was the widget i deleted, and it can even scroll up, where there never had any widget.

    I hope this is clearer 🙂

  7. Kino faya try messing with the grid size. The boundries of the items must be bleeding over to the next page.

  8. well, i moved the widgets inside of the panels, and put them back in place; it fixed it. Maybe a little bug.


  9. Your explanation is much better than the original.

    In situations like this, a simple restart of launcher often fixes it.

    Glad you got it sorted… Does sound like a little bug.

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