Can anyone help me with trying to set a binding for a page indicator’s color or write a script to do this?
Can anyone help me with trying to set a binding for a page indicator’s color or write a script to do this?
Also, the binding for colorizing my icons does not seem to be very responsive?
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Pranav Pamidigantam Currently, also i try to find out. But so hard to understand the codes for me
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Wern-Yuen Tan For some reason, your comment is not showing up…Here are the details: I’m using Kolorette to grab colors from my Muzei wallpaper and theming icons and a page indicator (line style). I am able to use Tasker to change a variable $iconcolorize in a binding for the icon colorization. However, after the task runs, the change in color takes many minutes most of the time, which is what I mean unresponsive.
My main issue in this setup is that I don’t see the page indicator cursor color in the bindings options so I can’t change it dynamically with Tasker so I was hoping someone could show me how I can access this property through a script and change it in that way.
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Indeed, not all properties are available in bindings, but the following script will change your indicator color:
var item = LL.getCurrentDesktop().getItemByName(‘your_item_name’);
item.getProperties().setInteger(‘p.dotsOuterColor’, 0xffff0000).commit();
The list of available properties can be found here:
You can add more setInteger calls between edit and commit
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Pierre Hébert thanks for the help! I tried this (changed the item name to ‘indicator’ and property to be changed ‘p.lineFgColor’ but I keep getting the error that the function setInteger in the object…
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My bad:
item.getProperties().edit().setInteger(‘p.dotsOuterColor’, 0xffff0000).commit();