

Can someone tell me if it is possible to send a message directly to Pierre ?

I need some help with a script he made, but I am scared that he wont see the message in here.

Is there a way to mail him ?


12 Commentsto Hi

  1. Jay M says:

    There’s an email addy for him in the app on Google Play, he will probably see your message if you post it here though and even if he doesn’t someone else can probably help you.

  2. The matter is that i already asked in here, but nobody answered about it 🙂 So I wanted to have his advice 🙂

    Well, I will maybe have more luck this time 🙂

    I tried to install Pierre’s script to make a hand drawer widget, but I couldn’t make it.

    Everytime it tells me that the event isn’t defined.

    Maybe someone could try to import it and make it work, to find out if I am doing something wrong, or if the script got an issue ?


    Can someone help me with it ?


  3. I’m pretty sure that’s not what that script is for.

    Pierre Hébert​?

  4. If you watch in this video from him, you will see what I try to do. I believe this is the script I am trying to use.


    Watch at 7.20 mins

  5. I just tried it. Works fine. Demonstrates free hand drawing

  6. damn, then I dont know what I am doing wrong :/

  7. I am not sure if I understand good the part of the instructions, when it says to create a shortcut and put the script in it. Can you maybe explain me the way you doing ?

  8. What I do is : Copying the full text of the script

    Going in the script editor, paste the text, tick item menu, give the script a name, and leave.

    Then I create a shortcut named lightning action, i choose the action launch a script, I then select the script with the name I gave to it earlier and then when I try to launch the script, it always tells me that : at line 1:referenceError: ” event ” is not defined.

  9. Jay M says:


    Yeah its broke, this one works read the app description for the instructions.

  10. Kino faya​​

    It’s not broke.

    You say you choose the action Launch a script for your shortcut. What event do you use?

    You should be using the TOUCH event, and select run a script.

    It works, but it’s useful for nothing except as a demonstration, as is described in the description.

    You say you are trying to make a widget. .. I don’t know what the widget is for, but if you want something (marginally) useful, use the one jaym linked from the playstore

  11. Yeah it worked. But at the end I am disapointed, it is not really smooth to write on it, and you can not erase without erasing the whole page :/.

    Thanks for help anyway.

  12. Jay M says:

    You need to keep in mind its just an example to show what’s possible with scripts and how to do certain things with scripts, it was never suppose to be a propper drawing pad it is probably possible to write a decent drawing pad though by using JavaScript and Android classes.

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