I have been on Nova for a long time, and just starting with LL – and I am impressed with the options and…

I have been on Nova for a long time, and just starting with LL – and I am impressed with the options and configurability.

I am looking for some advice.  With Nova, the dock row is shorter than other desktop rows.  How could I best replicate that with LL?

The reason I am trying to do that is – I have a number of custom (and complex) widgets that are created with KWGT – and I am trying to preserve the aspect ratio.

I did search the group and documentation, but didn’t see (or understand) how I could do this in LL – and hoping that I can get some help from the group – or just to point me in the right direction.


10 Commentsto I have been on Nova for a long time, and just starting with LL – and I am impressed with the options and…

  1. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    First, since LL is really all desktop (no dock row), we’ll just call that the bottom :-).

    You could just detach the dock items from the grid and place them precisely (to the exact pixel) where they need to be. You can also do this for your widgets, btw.

    If that doesn’t get it, you could put a panel at the bottom (also detached from grid) of any exact size you want. Put your dock items in the panel. Panel rows and columns can then be sized independently of the rest of the desktop.

    This is also helpful if your dock needs to scroll horizontally to show more items.

    If neither of these seem to fit your setup, maybe a modification of either might?

    Detaching from grid is a great feature, making row/column size kind of a moot point.


  2. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Thank you very much for the help.  I am begining to understand..

    What I am really struggling with is making the grid size of the top rows a bit larger.  For example, in Nova I have 6 rows and the last row is shorter (meaning rows 1-5 are taller than row 6).  In LL, all rows are the same height.  I am wondering if there is an easy way to have 5 slightly taller rows above the last row.

    If that is more trouble than it is worth, perhaps I just need to resize my widget.  I am just looking for the voice of experience – and appreciate your help.


  3. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    You can make the desktop rows ANY size/number you like, or completely disregard row size all together, and size any item (that’s detached) independently of row size/number, using the geometry editor.


  4. Anonymous says:

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    Access the geometry editor in edit mode, the icon at the bottom that looks like a directional pad.

    Tap center to edit different attributes, and use the direction buttons, or enter numeric value directly


  5. Anonymous says:

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    Yes, it is very flexible. 

    Can rows be different sizes?  (ie rows 1-5 a different height than row 6)

    I think it is probably easier not to go the route of detaching my items.


  6. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Not on a desktop container, but yes, between different containers (panels/folders)


  7. Anonymous says:

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    You can add a panel with the size you want, and use it as the dock


  8. Anonymous says:

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    Benoît de Chezelles yes, that’s what I would do. (See method 2 in first comment). Actually it’s what I always do.


  9. Anonymous says:

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    Thank you very much for all of your help and guidance.  Happy holidays to you.


  10. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[



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