Pierre Hébert is it possible to use JavaAdapter with a class loaded by a classloader?

Pierre Hébert is it possible to use JavaAdapter with a class loaded by a classloader? I’d use the NativeJavaClass constructor, but it is obfuscated, and I don’t know how to get a scriptable.


2 Commentsto Pierre Hébert is it possible to use JavaAdapter with a class loaded by a classloader?

  1. Anonymous says:

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    To elaborate, I want to extend a class loaded from a different app. I am able to load that class using PathClassLoader, but then I end up with a class object, not a NativeJavaClassObject, as is created by bindClass


  2. Anonymous says:

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    Very good question. For a long time I had a similar problem with DexClassLoader, I got class org.lorem.Ipsum, but I could not use methods. I hope the solution will be found.


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