Ok, I promise I won’t be able to keep dropping these noob questions on you guys, almost outta time plus it almost…

Ok, I promise I won’t be able to keep dropping these noob questions on you guys, almost outta time plus it almost got it the way I want. Pierre Hébert​ last question for awhile for sure.. So widgets are out, but if I keep a desktop with a bunch of shortcuts, folders, panels, etc.. But not use it jus a ghost setup waiting for me to get the itch to add widgets and get my nerd on lol, will any (and I’m sure they will) put more work on lighting and burn more resources? The aren’t app widgets actively burning data, but wouldn’t it still be like extra patch cables jus providing more wire resistance for a signal (the data from actions, launches, etc..) making more clutter… Or when in a different desktop, those launcher toys are like effectively disconnected or stopped some how….. I used a few of sane folders and shit from the first desktop across a few others jus outta curiosity and they worked, but alot of them would open/shut/open very fast almost making a blinking affect… It jus didn’t happen consistent enough for me to compare accurately to fresh new folders in the new desktop.. Sooo basically should I jus trash all the old one and start over lol hell probably will anyway so I can try completely fresh to get the stop point thing working right… OK I’m done now lmao Thanks for everything


10 Commentsto Ok, I promise I won’t be able to keep dropping these noob questions on you guys, almost outta time plus it almost…

  1. Anonymous says:

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    Maybe a backup? And later restore if you need it…:-)


  2. Anonymous says:

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    The beautiful thing is, you would just to export a template. BAMMM!!! There it is, waiting like sleeping beauty. Whenever you get the “itch”, load it up. It won’t mess with any other current setups, unless you tell it to.


  3. Anonymous says:

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    Oh I know about the backup and that’s what I’ll use, but my main wonder is using the same folder in different desktops ya know, will having mor3 than one access point to the same window jus not be very solid…the same folder works in different desktops, but there’s side effects and I can’t pin down of its from that specifically, cuz my stop points barely work either.. No telling it’s gotta be my dumb ass lol I jus like haven’t different setups complete for whatever mood or purpose I need, that’s why I always have a quite a few launcher’s lol gotta love hibernation, wouldn’t be possible without it


  4. Anonymous says:

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    So looks like it’s one main backup of all desktops…hmm some really cool toys I rigged up are gonna suck to do again lol I had to fine tune and position that shit for many hours to get it to act how I wanted.. Oh well only got 2 more days of boredom might as well rebuild lol


  5. Anonymous says:

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    You can pick which desktops you want to add to your template. Just check or uncheck the ones you want.


  6. Anonymous says:

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    Wow… Wtf Corey lmao… My mind is sooo occupied with very complex shit I’m trying rig up I’m missing simple stuff lol oops


  7. Anonymous says:

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    Its all good. The inside of my head is a damn mess.


  8. Anonymous says:

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    You too huh lol


  9. Anonymous says:

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    Corey Spell lol, only a musician can type so fast on a keyboard! I am sure the keyboard is like a drum for you 🙂 How can you enter text so fast, it takes me ages to write a single post!

    Regarding resources, a desktop or a folder will consume zero resource (except storage) as long as it is not displayed once. Once it is loaded it will use memory but will be fully paused when hidden. More generally containers are loaded until the app is stopped.

    The only exception is widgets: all widgets are always alive.

    There are however a few things that trigger the load of all desktops or all folders:

    – when configuring desktops, they need to be displayed, so they are all loaded

    – when choosing an action “open folder”, the app has to visit all desktops to find all folders.


  10. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert​​ I’m a hard core heavy metal drummer man and yes when it comes to anything with a rhythm to it, it comes second nature and it’s my nature to be jus be aggressive and fast lol but thank you that’s exactly what I was trying to say and you nailed it.. Now I have a really good one for you, let’s say I want to pin something and have it launch an action when something else slides over it, what would be the most effective way to do that without using those damn stop points lmao Because I cannot get them to work right for nothing lol which is because of me has nothing to do with y’all it’s probably easier for you guys. But how would I pin let’s say an icon and then another one somewhere else and when one slides over the other while you’re scrolling it launches action…. One example I have almost precisely emulated Google now launcher swype for Google now by doing it with a slight illusion like epic launcher does and swiping in a white page right st apt is watching and it looks so close to the real thing, but I cannot get it to function properly and reliably with the stop points would this be something you would use those pause and resume actions for and please do tell how to use them lol 


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