

Is it possible to have a pinpad for unlocking ?

From 4 to 8 char

And having numbers changing their place like in lollipop and kk pinpad

Is it possible to stop my sidebar app when lock screen desktop ? And to restart when my home displayed

I think a script is possible



And how to know if Desktop1 active

Please confirm TrianguloY​

And where to set this script ? On the desktop ?


11 Commentsto Lockscreen

  1. Anonymous says:

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    There is a script for this, can’t remember when, but it was posted here long ago.


  2. Anonymous says:

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    Bogdan Tautu ok I’ll check


  3. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre Hébert​ what about a pinpad on lock screen ?


  4. Anonymous says:

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    I was talking about the pad on the lockscreen


  5. Anonymous says:

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    Bruno-Isa LAMOUR-ARNOULD if you can find the post, please post a link back here, I’d like to see it.


  6. Anonymous says:

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    thomas greer Sure. Bad thing with G+ we can’t record favorites

    Now I’ve started a Keep post with the G+ links interesting


  7. Anonymous says:

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    Step by step

    Pinpad: yes. Pierre made one in the past, I made another.

    Number changing their places…could you explain a bit more?

    Stop and reopen another app: I don’t think so, it depend on the app

    Kill an app from a script: it is possible, but I don’t know yet how

    Run (you mean running an app? )

    How to know if desktop 1 is active: you can get which desktop is active, and check if it is the desired one. But you can only do this from an event. Which one depends on what do you want to do with that information


  8. Anonymous says:

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    TrianguloY pinpad : please point me to the script

    Changing place : once the 1 is in the middle, next time the 1 is on the bottom line

    Run : I mean restarting an app I’ve stopped before

    So what I want to do

    When lock screen on I want to kill SideControl

    When on Home I want to restart SideControl


  9. Anonymous says:

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    I thought I posted the script on the repository…arg, it is not! I’ll search for it.

    For the kill/restart the app…could you link me to the app?


  10. Anonymous says:

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    TrianguloY wow great 😊



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