Pierre Hébert  Can you clarify.

Pierre Hébert  Can you clarify…  I am a long LL user… I donated using the AppStore purchase of “LLW Donate”.  The update you made to “trial” seems to ignore that I have already been using LL and already gave you a donation.  Further, everything I am trying to do now in LL is telling me I need “unlock”… so is that just how it is now? I’ve lost access to the launcher I was using and now have to “pay” again?


25 Commentsto Pierre Hébert  Can you clarify.

  1. Anonymous says:

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    This sounds nastier than I meant it to…  But the question is the same…  do I need to pay again to “unlock” or is they LLW doinate key supposed to work still?


  2. Anonymous says:

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    No, I do not own LLX.  I had the original LL with the LLW “Donate” key https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.pierrox.lightning_launcher.widget.donate.a


  3. Anonymous says:

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    Hal Levy

    The link doesn’t work for me, I never had this key so I can’t view that page.

    You must be a real long time user 😀

    You’re the first one I see who asks about that key, and I think the only one who can help you is Pierre Hébert himself.

    I guess that this key isn’t supported anymore…


  4. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    Have the same isue. If i delete LLX within the playstore and want to reinstall it, i have to pay again.

    But if i restore my LLX with titanium backup i can update LLX again without paying again.


  5. Anonymous says:

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    Roger Schreuders That shouldn’t be the case. LLX was paid app always. So it must be downloadable without paying again.

    I also bought the LL Donation app, but as the name says: it’s a donation. It did not unlock anything (just added a compass widget or something as a gift) IIRC.


  6. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    The “Donate” unlock nothing, it was just a donate app.

    The difference with the updated free version is that it shows new features and if you tap on them you can optionally unlock them. Previously these features were simply not visible because not present (hence a smaller package size). There is a Lockscreen plugin which should still work, there was also some widgets but they have been deprecated long before the previous update, IIRC.

    So to be clear, all features that were in the previous version are still in the new version.

    If google says the app is not purchased, this is either because the app has been refunded or the google account is not the same, developers have no access to Google customers data (fortunately).


  7. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    I have from Pierrere:

    super screen switcher

    Lightning Drawer

    Both is now in LLx.

    And have LLX.

    I would never want to Pierre for some compensation.


  8. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre- thanks for your answer, even if I don’t like it.  I’d think people who freely donated to you would get some “credit” towards purchasing a full version of the updated application.  

    Like I said, I don’t have to like the answer- but thanks for letting me know.


  9. Anonymous says:

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    Hal Levy​ If you’d like I can send you the $3.49 through google wallet so that you can purchase the full app.. That money goes towards supporting Pierre and the further development of the app. Yes?


  10. Anonymous says:

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    Hal Levy you sir, are an idiot.

    There is a developer spending hours and days writing an app that is absolutely awesome. Additionally he cares about his users and reacts fast to everything.

    And you reaaly complain about money worth a fking coffee?? This app is worth every cent one spends on it. 

    Your behaviour is a shame!

    This negative reputation… Just go. go away.

    I can’t express how sad people like you make me.


  11. Anonymous says:

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    In the family we have three Android devices. In all runs LLX (paid). When they are my youngest daughter two years (per year and a half), she also buy a tablet, which will run another paid version LL.

    If I could support more Pierre, I’ll do it.

    He deserves every penny.


  12. Anonymous says:

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    Just bought some coins for Minigolf of PierroX


  13. Anonymous says:

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    Hal Levy donating and buying an app are two different things. If you donate a street musician are you asking him later for a discount on his album?


  14. Anonymous says:

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    Actually Viktor, that’s pretty much what happens with most crowd funding. so yes.


  15. Anonymous says:

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    Ren Shore it’s not about $4…. it’s about the policy. and yes, the app was gone- but it came back and I was able to use it again… so I let it go… now another change was made…. 


  16. Anonymous says:

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    Lukas Morawietz  as a professional developer making quite a good living, I don’t need a lecture on how writing an app works or how long it takes.

    I asked for a clarification on a long post that confused me. I got that clarification and expressed dissatisfaction with the policy.  That doesn’t mean I expect him to change the policy- but I will provide him with feedback on it. I do the same with other businesses that have policies I like (and don’t like). 

    I do hope that Pierre looks at your comment however and evaluates if he really wants someone representing him as a moderator to speak to a customer like that….. you sir are exactly why software support gets a bad reputation.

    Edit: By the way, you might want to review the rules for this community.

    The only real rule we have for this community is DON’T BE A DICK!

    This community if for users that love Lightning Launcher and want to help other users. Keeping things friendly is the best way to do this. 

    While I asked a question and politely said I disagreed, you got nasty, personal and used very dickish language.  I feel bad for the people in your life who might hold an opinion different than yours.


  17. Anonymous says:

    < ![CDATA[

    And what was the policy change???

    So you get an updated app, many new features and improvements, everything that was working previously still works, and you don’t like that? Really, that’s my turn to be confused. Maybe read again may post, or read it until the end. Do you prefer the previous version that don’t even worked on Lollipop? Then download it somewhere, sources are easy to find.

    Quoting you: “everything I am trying to do now in LL is telling me I need “unlock”…”, “I’ve lost access to the launcher “.


    The only thing locked is your brain and the only thing you lost is your credibility.

    You are a professional developer, really? I am surprised you can’t make a better “lecture on how writing an apps works”. Let’s implement a tiny part of this app, I don’t know, the image picker for instance, and come back to me when you’re done. We’ll see if you have a clear vision of how long it takes. In the meantime I will have plenty of time for useful things.

    Quoting you from your other “post”: “Imagine if a car dealer came to your house and just took your car from you and said “sorry, I need you to buy another car- so this one I am taking from you.”

    But you got the car for free, isn’t it, and you can still use it? So nobody stole you the car?

    When I donate to charity (because I do) I don’t expect to receive something in exchange. Maybe you should review your position about this.

    What you are saying is: because I bought a bread yesterday, I can come back today to the bakery and have a new bread for free.

    Some previous comments have been a bit rude, but when I read the post you made I am tempted to say much, much worse. I can only thank people here who always strive to share & help, no matter whether they bought something or not and I don’t care whether they actually purchased something or not.

    Enough said. Post closed.


  18. Anonymous says:

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    Pierre. I can see you misunderstood what I said. You made no change. I said I disagree and think it should be changed. I am starting to think the problem here is one of language translation rather than actual disagreement.


  19. Anonymous says:

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    First: I do not represent Lightning launcher nor Pierre Hébert​​ or express his opinion.

    Hal Levy​​ this is not a software support, this is a user community. I am a moderator in here because I answer questions, like I tried to help you at first.

    “politely said I disagree”: yes, you stayed polite in this post, but your public post linked above was everything but polite.

    I do accept opinions other than mine. What I don’t accept is someone talking bad about someone else behind his back, like you did.

    Yes, I got a bit impolite, because I was angry, but I don’t tell everyone that you are an idiot, I tell you that you are an idiot.

    You won’t make friends here, how about stop upsetting us and just leave? Thanks in advance 


  20. Anonymous says:

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    Lukas Morawietz​ you absolutely represent him. Thats why he has granted you moderator status. Im my 30+ years of online moderation and management experience.. I have let mods go for less. My other post was not made behind his back. We publically discussed it in this very community at the time. Look at the date… It wad posted many many months ago.

    I am not looking for friemds here, so that is really not a criteria I will use to determine my presence here. Nor am I concerned if my opinion upsets you… Thats how opinions work.


  21. Anonymous says:

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    Hal Levy So I am not even allowed to have my own opinion if I am a moderator? Hahaha… well now it gets funny. Wait a sec I’ll get popcorn for your next post.


  22. Anonymous says:

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    Not when represting a business… No… Especially when it directly violares the policies of the community you are moderating.


  23. Anonymous says:

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    Hal Levy I am not representing a business. I am just a user answering some questions (and scripting, but that has nothing to do with this). I do not get anything from this, I do it in my free time. I didn’t ask for the moderator status and I would continue doing ecaxtly the same stuff in here without it (besides accepting new users). I have neither benefits nor drawbacks from being a moderator.

    So I am not connected to Pierre or his app in any way besides using it. Therefore my opinion is just my opinion and doesn’t represent anything else.

    Btw: I seem to have missed all these policies… where do you see them?


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